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Prof. Stoychev: It is not impossible for Peevski to propose a cabinet and the whole hall to support him,

ITN cannot be seen as a reliable partner when it comes to coalitions

Jun 26, 2024 11:14 55

Prof. Stoychev: It is not impossible for Peevski to propose a cabinet and the whole hall to support him,  - 1

It may turn out that Peevski takes the second term and the chamber as a whole to vote for the cabinet proposed by him. I don't know how it will happen, but such a scenario should not be ruled out at all. Such a hypothesis was launched by the political scientist Prof. Stoicho Stoichev in the morning block of bTV.

In his words, almost all parties, with the exception of the PP-DB, express their readiness to realize the third mandate if they receive it from the president.

As soon as the focus falls on the third term, it shows that there is no idea where we are going, Stoychev pointed out.

Regarding the question of a possible cabinet with the first mandate of GERB, the political scientist explained that we will certainly not witness a coalition government, because there is no third party to enter into a coalition agreement, if we assume that the other two are GERB and DPS. That is why, according to him, it is most logical to look for a minority cabinet, specifying that regardless of whether we are talking about an expert or a political government, the responsibility in any case will be solely on GERB.

ITN cannot be seen as a reliable partner when it comes to coalitions.

The ITN, when they had the opportunity to form a government, did nothing. In addition to not being able to form a government, they also overthrow governments. You don't need such a teammate, the political scientist recalled.