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Georgi Svilenski called on the socialists to support Kornelia Ninova for the next term at the head of the BSP

The socialists will not support the GERB government tomorrow

Jul 2, 2024 18:14 54

Georgi Svilenski called on the socialists to support Kornelia Ninova for the next term at the head of the BSP  - 1

Dear socialists, massively elect Ninova as chairman, let her see the current leadership, which has trampled on the statute, who do you want to lead the party. Cornelia Ninova can run again for the chairman of the BSP. Socialists will not support the GERB government tomorrow.

This is what he said in the show "Face to Face" on BTV, BSP deputy Georgi Svilenski. He also commented on the decision of the Control Commission of the Centenary that Cornelia Ninova cannot be elected for a third time as leader of the BSP, pointing out that the new leadership wants to remove Ninova in an official manner.

Since socialists ask, let me explain that

Cornelia Ninova is not eligible for a third term, but she is eligible for a subsequent term.

The statute of the BSP clearly states that the president of the BSP does not have the right to a third term after two consecutive full mandates. Cornelia Ninova does not have two consecutive mandates, nor is the second mandate complete. Cornelia Ninova was elected on September 12, 2020. The four years of her second term expire on September 12, 2024, Georgi Svilenski said.

This decision of the Control Commission is absolutely unconstitutional. Cornelia Ninova has the right to run for office like any socialist. I am saying that she does not have two full terms and that her second term has ended with her resignation on June 11. If her mandate has not been terminated, then she is currently the chairman of the BSP, emphasized the MP.

There is no split in BSP, no, but there is disunity.

This happened after the results of the elections, after the resignation of Cornelia Ninova, which is expected from any leader after such results. Ambitions emerged from people who were on her left and right and were involved in policy making and decision making. Suddenly only Nina was left to blame and they divided their posts. But a leader is not appointed, a leader is built. There is no way that someone will not call the new leader, said Svilenski on the occasion of Atanas Zafirov.

Socialists see this, they are disappointed and disgusted by what is happening. They speak with pain. In 30 years, I have not seen such bitterness among ordinary socialists. They see a desire for revenge, a desire for revenge. I wonder why, because for 8 years, Cornelia Ninova managed to protect the party from external and any other pressure, added the BSP MP.