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Boris Bonev: On the surface, what is happening in the DPS looks like a clash between Dogan and Peevski

"Economic Police" checks the pegs of the "Patriarch"

Jul 4, 2024 08:36 47

Boris Bonev: On the surface, what is happening in the DPS looks like a clash between Dogan and Peevski  - 1

What is happening in the DPS on the surface looks like a clash between Dogan and Peevski, but this is a party that has always seemed rather monolithic. I don't rule out the possibility that none of this is coincidental and not provoked by a mere battle of egos or a battle for influence.

This is what the municipal councilor from the group of "Continuing the Change - Democratic Bulgaria" said. and "Save Sofia" Boris Bonev in "The Day ON AIR" on the occasion of the debate in the National Assembly.

At the moment, all politicians and parties are in "circular defense", he believes.

"There is no party at the national level that does not currently have severe internal problems. Everyone is very nervous. Borisov looked like a hostage today. This leads to dire consequences for ordinary people. Ever since Vasil Terziev has been mayor of the Metropolitan Municipality, he has been subjected to constant attacks from institutions and from GERB. The next one is from yesterday - "Economic Police" checks for pegs on the bicycle lane of the "Patriarch", Bonev gave an example to Bulgaria ON AIR.

In his words, GERB is in an election campaign and this can be seen from the number of briefings in the Metropolitan Municipality and the "demonstrated hysteria on all topics".

"There are people in GERB who can be worked with very professionally for the sake of the people. The problem arises when their party decides to take the position of "we are the most important", explained Bonev.

According to the law, cases related to irregular elections or suspicions of a corrupt vote have a two-month deadline to be considered, commented the municipal councilor.

"It continues not to make a final decision in the first instance - for me, this is a tool that can always be activated, thereby keeping the Metropolitan Municipality in suspense. The examinations showed that there are more actual votes for Mr. Terziev than for Mrs. Grigorova," Bonev analyzed.

VAS ruled that the Metropolitan Municipality must immediately terminate the new organization of traffic on "Vitosha" Blvd., "Patriarch Euthymius" Blvd. and St. "Prof. Fritjof Nansen".

"77% of the municipalities in Bulgaria do not have an effective general plan for the organization of traffic. Any movement organization can be appealed. If we assume that the entire "Patriarch Euthymius" Blvd. a new organization of traffic was being carried out, why did the SDVR order to fence off only the bike lanes and parking lots with road fences? This order of the SDVR has no preliminary implementation, it is subject to appeal - we will appeal", Bonev summarized.