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Yordanov: I don't know who is giving advice to Kalin Stoyanov to behave in this way, but they don't mean the best

At this moment, he has to preserve his dignity. This can only be done by submitting a resignation, commented the former interior minister

Aug 22, 2024 16:04 107

Yordanov: I don't know who is giving advice to Kalin Stoyanov to behave in this way, but they don't mean the best - 1

The replacement of Kalin Stoyanov is predetermined, Emanuil Yordanov, former minister of interior affairs, expressed his opinion to BNR.

"I don't know who advises him to behave in this way, but whoever advises him does not mean him well. At this point, it remains for him to preserve his dignity. This can only be done by resigning," he commented. And added:

"When the political forces represented in the National Assembly have unanimously declared themselves against a minister, he cannot work anymore".
According to him, they acted very improperly towards Stoyanov:

"When you take a person who has nothing to do with politics and suddenly throw him into the deepest waters, from then on the result can be what happened. In many cases, I see incorrect political judgments of the situation on his part. The answers he gives or does not give to many questions also diverge from what he should do to be able to say something positive about myself and for the ministry. So - expected".

Yordanov pointed out that when a person is elected as interior minister, it should be known very clearly that this is a political position and a person who is a politician should be sent there. When it comes to an operative, no matter how good he is in his profession, his growth implies the highest position - chief secretary, he explained.

Kalin Stoyanov is accused precisely of the fact that the system was controlled politically through him, mentioning the name of Delyan Peevski, the former interior minister also reminded.
Yordanov noted that a person with experience should be chosen for the post. According to him, the task of holding fair elections is not that difficult:

"In every district in the district directorates, the officials know very well who are the buyers of votes, they also know for whom they are buying. These people can be put under control and the ability to buy votes can be cut off.

The new minister must be brave, energetic and competent enough to be able to cope with the task, Emanuil Yordanov is emphatic. However, according to him, only the bought vote cannot decide the outcome of the elections.