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Andrey Raichev: The deal between Radev and Glavchev got us out of the situation of trying to expand the domestic ledger

The executive power in Bulgaria is divided between the government and the president, most often in the government. When the government falls into a crisis and does not rise, it goes to the president. This is the structure of the Bulgarian constitution, commented the sociologist

Aug 27, 2024 18:24 96

Andrey Raichev: The deal between Radev and Glavchev got us out of the situation of trying to expand the domestic ledger  - 1

The deal between the president and the new old caretaker prime minister led to the creation of the caretaker government and brought Bulgarians out of the idiotic situation of standing in front of the "home book” and try to expand it. This is what the sociologist Andrey Raichev said in the program "Bulgaria, Europe and the world in focus". on Radio "Focus“.

"It was simply stupid to sit around and wait for some extremely complicated and lengthy parliamentary procedures to go through and choose some ombudsman to be appointed. Because that was the other option,“ he explained.

In his words, the new edition of the Constitution is very imperfect and the president does not have the right to choose, but he has the right not to sign the decree for the appointment of a new caretaker government. "He has no right to arrange the cabinet, but in fact it turns out that he has the right, because as he asked, so it happened with Minister Kalin Stoyanov.“

The sociologist also reminded that the government and the president carry out various activities together, which are a matter of agreement between them, of concessions and deals, which is normal and provided for by the Constitution. According to Andrey Raichev, this is the essence of Bulgaria's stability. "Executive power in Bulgaria is divided between the government and the president, most often in the government. When the government falls into a crisis and does not rise, it goes to the president. This is the structure of the Bulgarian Constitution.“

According to him, personalization is currently observed in politics, and in the absence of an ideological rise in it, personalities come to the fore. "There will be a change of political generations until finally some people will come that people will not curse them all day long,“ he emphasized and added that the change of the political system will not lead to the improvement of parliamentarism, but to the rejection of parties, one-man power and the presidential republic, which, according to him, will be detrimental to Bulgaria.