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Ministry of Health after Diona's ad: We did not allow the sale of "energy sniff"

The Ministry of Health clarified that an immediate investigation will be carried out in the case

Aug 28, 2024 18:13 1 497

Ministry of Health after Diona's ad: We did not allow the sale of "energy sniff"  - 1

The Ministry of Health came out with an official position after a video of the singer Diona with an advertisement of energy powder on Instagram scandalized the network. The Ministry of Health claims that they received a report about the online sale of products that are advertised as “energy sniff” and are taken nasally – by inhalation through the nose. From there, they add that they did not authorize the distribution of the products in question.

„The department has taken immediate action to carry out an inspection. This will also be done by the Consumer Protection Commission. The Food Safety Agency and the Medicines Executive Agency have also been referred. In this case, it concerns new products, with a non-standard way of use, unclear legal qualification and ingredients creating a potential health risk in case of excessive use, says the Ministry of Health.

„The information thus presented is misleading for consumers, as the websites of the products in question state that they do not contain food-specific ingredients (gluten, sugar), that they are vegan or that they are equivalent to energy drinks. The joint inspection of the competent authorities is pending to establish the origin of the products in order to carry out a safety assessment for their possible use, the ministry added.

Later, a comment came from the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency.

„The products „Sniff Bull Energy Dust” and “Wildkraut energy sniff”, offered through the online platforms and, cannot be classified as food in the sense of food legislation, as they are taken by inhalation and do not enter the digestive system. Information presented on these sites contains claims that may mislead consumers that the products have the properties of a food, nutritional supplement or energy drink (eg, “sugar free“, “vegan“, “natural ingredients“ ; etc.)", stated the BBAH. And they add that the site is not registered in the Agency's database.