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The Parliament considers in the second reading changes to the Law on the Bar

See the draft work program of the deputies

Sep 11, 2024 06:26 88

The Parliament considers in the second reading changes to the Law on the Bar  - 1

The second vote on changes to the Law on the Bar, foresees the weekly draft work program of the National Assembly, published on the website of the legislative body, BTA reported.

With the amendments, lawyers are given the right to be able to advertise their activities. With other texts, the ban on negotiating remuneration below a certain minimum amount and the related disciplinary responsibility is removed, as well as the obligation for the court to be bound by a similar minimum amount of remuneration when determining responsibility for costs.

In the absence of an agreed fee for the legal assistance provided, the Bar Council determines such fee based on criteria provided for in an ordinance issued by the Minister of Justice on the proposal of the High Bar Council.

On the program is also a draft Decision to amend the Decision to entrust the Minister of Energy to conduct negotiations with the Minister of Energy of Ukraine or his representative with the aim of selling equipment intended for the “Belene” NPP project. The importers are Delyan Dobrev and a group of people's representatives.

The first vote on changes to the Farmer Support Act and the Personal Assistance Act is also scheduled.

The draft program also includes the first vote on changes to the Environmental Protection Act. The texts were supposed to be discussed and voted on last Friday, but due to a lack of quorum, the meeting was adjourned.

MPs must consider amendments to the Family Child Support Act at first reading.

The first vote on the Bill on Credit Servicers and Credit Buyers with the Minister Council is also an item on the weekly draft program, as well as the first vote on the Bill to supplement the Law on Medicinal Products in Human Medicine.

This week on Friday, a blitz control will be held, in which the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers usually participate. After that, the regular parliamentary Friday control is planned.