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Prof. Rachev: Sunday and Monday will be the coldest days

Despite the cool weather, the rain stops on Sunday and it is not expected to rain on the first day of school

Sep 13, 2024 09:55 63

Prof. Rachev: Sunday and Monday will be the coldest days  - 1

„On Saturday, a cold front will invade with lower temperatures. Snowflakes may also fly over Mount Musala. Sunday and Monday will be the coldest days in September,” said in the program “This Morning” climatologist Professor Georgi Rachev.

On Saturday and Sunday there may be light rain. Monday and Tuesday mornings will be very cool. In places on Monday, temperatures will be 5 degrees, for example in Dragoman and Kyustendil, but in Varna they will be around 13-14 degrees.

Despite the cool weather, the rain stopped on Sunday and no rain is expected on the first day of school. In Sofia, the minimum temperatures will be 9-10 degrees.

„The woolen hat with the big pompoms and various dogs and ears are not appropriate, the children will rather run, be happy and enter the classroom”, the climatologist pointed out.

On Monday in the afternoon, precipitation may fall in Eastern Bulgaria. From Tuesday, during the day, temperatures start to rise again. Values higher than 20 degrees are expected.

Rainfalls are expected again on Wednesday - more significant and in more places, and will prevail in South-Eastern Bulgaria.

At the end of September, the sea will be suitable again. On the Northern Black Sea coast, there will be temperatures between 22 and 25 degrees and a minimum of 17-18 degrees, without precipitation.