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Ekaterina Zaharieva is no longer an MP

This happened after a vote in the plenary hall

Sep 19, 2024 10:09 76

Ekaterina Zaharieva is no longer an MP  - 1

Parliament began work with a vote on the termination of the powers of Ekaterina Zaharieva. The deputies accepted the proposal.

Zaharieva was a people's representative from Pazarzhdik. The reason for her leaving the parliament is her nomination for European Commissioner. It is already known that it is the proposal of the President of the EC, Ursula Von Der Leyen, for the "Startups, research and innovation" department.

The vote was passed with 184 "yes" votes, five "against" votes. (4 independents and one from PP-DB) and three abstained (2 independents and one from PP-DB).

The MPs are also expected to discuss a draft decision on the release of Anton Slavchev as acting chairman of the Commission for Combating Corruption and the Commission for Confiscation of Illegally Acquired Property, as well as a member of both bodies. The item is the second for today according to the adopted work program of the National Assembly and was introduced by Nikolay Denkov and a group of people's representatives from the parliamentary group of “We continue the change - Democratic Bulgaria”.

On the agenda is the first vote on changes to the Law on direct participation of citizens in state power and local self-government, proposed by the PG of “There is such a people”. The authors suggest that the minimum required number of signatures for a proposal to produce referendums should be set in law, not a fixed number, as it is now for a national referendum – 200 thousand or 400 thousand citizens with electoral rights, and as a ratio on the same basis. Other amendments are related to the reduction of the thresholds for the validity of referendums and the removal of the threshold for determining the results of a referendum. The third group of changes is related to easing the technological rules for collecting signatures for both types of referendums.

Also on the agenda is a hearing of the Acting Minister of the Interior Atanas Ilkov due to the missed legal deadline for the start of the National Registry for cases of pedophilia under the Child Protection Act, as well as the measures taken so far by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for its establishment. The request for the hearing is on “Revival“.

The program also includes the first vote on changes to the Law on Environmental Protection with proponents Delyan Dobrev, Nikolay Nankov - GERB-SDS, and Stanislav Anastasov, PG of DPS. Deputies were unable to consider the item at two previous meetings, as there was no quorum in the hall at the first, and it was dropped from the agenda at the second.