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Deputies consider changes to the Investment Promotion Act at first reading

Parliament holds regular session

Sep 18, 2024 07:39 65

Deputies consider changes to the Investment Promotion Act at first reading  - 1
The National Assembly will consider today in the first vote a draft law on amendments and additions to the Law on the Promotion of Investments, reported.

This foresees the first point of the draft program for the work of the deputies, published on the website of the parliament.

The bill was introduced by the Council of Ministers.

It is expected that at the first vote, the Draft Law on Amendments and Supplements to the Law on Tourism will be discussed. The proposed agenda also includes the second vote on the Draft Law on Amendments and Supplements to the Trade Act. In addition, it is proposed to consider a draft law on the ratification of the Agreement on the Central European Exchange Program in University Education (CEEPUS IV), signed in the city of Warsaw, Poland, on September 20, 2023, as well as a draft decision on the closure of specialized private higher school named “European Higher School of Economics and Management” with headquarters in Plovdiv.

Point one of the draft program for Thursday, September 19, envisages that the deputies will listen to the Acting Minister of the Interior Atanas Ilkov in connection with the non-observed legal deadline by the Ministry of the Interior for the start of the National Registry for cases of pedophilia. On the proposed agenda for Thursday is a draft decision to oblige the Council of Ministers to prepare a report in connection with the implementation of decisions of the National Assembly related to the future of the “Maritsa-East“ complex, as well as the continuation of the discussion of the first reading of the changes in the Environmental Protection Act.

On Friday, deputies are expected to discuss a bill to ratify the acts of the Fourth Extraordinary Congress of the Universal Postal Union. Regular parliamentary control is foreseen.