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Kuzman Iliev: In Bulgarian politics, it is a problem that most people stopped fighting. Everyone is very quiet!

Bulgaria can offer modern, pro-Bulgarian conservatism

Sep 18, 2024 07:43 75

Kuzman Iliev: In Bulgarian politics, it is a problem that most people stopped fighting. Everyone is very quiet!  - 1

"This is a nice, real, organic, Bulgarian initiative that has been proving itself for a year and a half. Our idea is not for something to be parachuted in, or for some embassy to say – this is the best. We feel unrepresented politically and we already think it's dangerous."

This is what the economist Kuzman Iliev told BNR, after it became clear that the initiative "Bulgaria can" grows into a party and begins to structure itself politically.

"The 70% who do not vote will be more now. The big reason for this is that people don't recognize themselves and don't feel represented. Our alternative in Bulgaria is extreme Euro-Atlanticism or Sovietophilia, romance from the Soviet Union. Both are insane, dangerous alternatives. Therefore, we offer something else – modern, pro-Bulgarian conservatism, which wants to protect what we have, wants Bulgaria to be modern and have freedom in the economy", he commented in the program "Before all".

According to Iliev, at the moment there is a wavering in extremes – or "let us nationalize everything we can", or "war in Russia".

"What we are talking about is our mission and politics is just the tool,", Kuzman Iliev emphasized. He expressed his conviction that, albeit slowly, the ideas of "Bulgaria can" will attract followers.

"January-February we would be ready", he declared. According to him, now the goal is for their team to create a solid foundation. Those who are actively involved in the new formation are sifted according to their views, explained Kuzman Iliev.

"Sifting is very serious, because politics and political formation is done with like-minded people. Who, for better or for worse, and out of parliament are together. Our great mission is to be a pillar of stability, of reason, of normality, with which people identify."

Whenever there is political instability and a clash of powerful political figures, it resonates and creates tension and uncertainty – both among people and in the economy.

Peevski is a product of the system. After the clash between Kostov and the tsar, parties appeared that elevated this man to a position where he had exceptional power in the state. Some people who wanted to take him down sat on his lap. (…) I wouldn't say I'm a fan of Mr. Peevski. Objectively speaking, if there is something positive to say, it is that Peevski fights like a man. And in Bulgarian politics, it is a problem that most people stopped fighting. They are all very quiet. There is almost no resistance. The other person who fights like a man and defends these, and stands like a man, is Radev.

This was also noted by the economist.