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A buffalo damaged a car in Sofia

A young man almost died in the accident

Sep 18, 2024 08:22 68

A buffalo damaged a car in Sofia  - 1

Shock, fear and crushed car – this is the consequences of another incident with a large domestic animal released on the road near Kremikovtsi. A problem that we have been talking about for years in the program "Hello, Bulgaria". Whole herds constantly cross the road and have caused many accidents over the years.

In the last case, a young man was behind the wheel, his car crashed into a buffalo that suddenly appeared on the road. Fortunately, the young man was not seriously injured, however, there was serious damage to the car.

„I was driving within the limit when the animal came out in front of the car. I slammed on the brakes. The owner didn't even show up, said the victim Venzi.

„Despite the complaints that the animals of the gentleman in question are walking around haphazardly, nothing happens. The BABH must take measures because it exposes animal breeding facilities, explained the mayor of Kremikovtsi region. Lilia Donkova.

The Food Safety Agency claims that they did not receive a report from the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the accident.

„In order to close a livestock facility, there must be more than three criminal decrees within a year. 2 years ago, the certificate of registration of the livestock facility was partially revoked, but the court canceled the decision”, they add from there.