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The renovation of the NGDEK building in the center of Sofia continues to be delayed

The deadline for completion is 400 days

Sep 18, 2024 09:52 57

The renovation of the NGDEK building in the center of Sofia continues to be delayed  - 1

The building of the National High School for Ancient Languages and Cultures “St. Constantine Cyril the Philosopher“ NGDEK continues to be in a bad state. The repair procedure has been delayed for months and the high school welcomed the school year with cracked walls.

Three days after the start of the school year, the school building is empty, as it was three months ago. More than 600 students started the school year in the building in the capital's “Modern Suburb“ district.

The deadline is 400 days. This means that, in all probability, the building will be renovated in 2026.

„This delay is a sad illustration of the attitude of all institutions towards Bulgarian education and culture in the face of this school, which for more than 30 years has not had a suitable place for the educational process,” commented to BNT the deputy director of the Todor High School Johnev.

The funds for the repair are included in the budget of the Metropolitan Municipality this year, and if it does not start, the procedure must start all over again. Therefore, the deputy director called for no delay in the order.

"There is indeed a long delay in the renovation of this school. As far back as 2017, a project has been prepared to repair the building of the former 13th school in the "Vazrazhdane" area.

A permit has been issued since 2018, and since then things have clearly not happened in the legal way. After we stepped into management - improving the educational infrastructure was a priority for us, we also started with this school and announced a public procurement at the beginning of July.

There is currently a committee that will review the incoming bids to renovate the school. There is also an incoming complaint from a third party. We expect the end of September to have a ruling by the Supreme Court and then the start of the construction activities," explained the mayor of the "Vazrazhdane" region. Stanislav Iliev.