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A lawyer again put himself forward as chief prosecutor

On September 12, the Plenum of the SJC resumed the procedure for electing a chief prosecutor

Sep 18, 2024 13:48 50

A lawyer again put himself forward as chief prosecutor  - 1

A lawyer again put himself forward as chief prosecutor. It is Bozhidar Kolev from the Sofia Bar Association.

This is not the first time that Bozhidar Kolev has put himself forward as chief prosecutor. After the release of Ivan Geshev as prosecutor No. 1, the Plenum of the SJC opened a procedure for the election of a new chief prosecutor. And then Kolev again sent an application to participate in it.

This was revealed by

In the document, he noted that he has over 28 years of legal experience, 24 of which as a lawyer, he also worked as a prosecutor in the Sofia District Prosecutor's Office and meets the requirements and has the necessary qualities and expertise.

And then his letter was accepted for information, and subsequently the procedure was suspended until the ruling of the Constitutional Court, which had allowed consideration of Ivan Geshev's request to declare as unconstitutional a number of provisions of the NPC, among which the reduction of the majority from 17 to 13 votes needed to elect and release accuser #1.

At the end of July, the Supreme Court ruled that it did not see a problem with the majority and the SJC resumed the procedure for electing the chief prosecutor.

At the meeting of the Prosecutor's College today, Stefan Petrov reported on an application received from Kolev, in which the lawyer announced his desire to participate in the procedure for selecting a chief prosecutor. His application was sent to the attention of the members of the PC, who have the right to propose candidates for the Prosecutor General. By law, nominations can be made by at least three personnel officers and the Minister of Justice.

„If someone recognizes Bozhidar Kolev as a suitable candidate and there are three people, then he can be proposed for chief prosecutor,”, Stefan Petrov said today. At this stage, the panel accepted the lawyer's letter for information only.

On September 12, the Plenum of the SJC resumed the procedure for the election of the chief prosecutor. Motions can be made in the next four meetings, the first of which is tomorrow – September 19, as well as on September 26, as well as on October 3 and 10. The election itself is scheduled for January 16 next year.