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Adrian Antonov was sentenced to 6 years in prison for the death of Ani and Yavor

The families of the dead youths will appeal the sentence to a higher court

Jul 5, 2024 05:29 151

Adrian Antonov was sentenced to 6 years in prison for the death of Ani and Yavor  - 1

6 years in prison for the death of Ani and Yavor. Initially, 19-year-old Adrian Antonov received a 9-year sentence for the death of the two young men who were hit by him on the capital's "Slivnitsa" Blvd. on May 8 last year. After Antonov pleaded guilty, the court reduced his sentence by a third and banned him from driving for 9 years.

Before the court session, relatives, relatives and friends of Ani and Yavor gathered to demand a fair sentence and stricter sanctions to end the war on the roads.

"We just want maximum penalties for this type of crime. It's about two human lives," said Stoyan - Ana-Maria's cousin.

"If you in the family don't blame this desire for high speeds for the lack of consideration, this leads to a carelessness of the children,'' said Dobroslava Maritinova.

"The fact that the madness and the war on the roads continue shows that the efforts are not enough," explained Paulina Ivanova.

After that, together with Ani and Yavor's parents, they entered the courtroom together. First, two witnesses were heard who described the personal qualities of Adrian Antonov. After that, the floor was taken by the parents, who tearfully spoke about the achievements of the dead youth and recalled their plans to have a family.

The case was over in about three hours. The families of Ani and Yavor asked for the maximum of 15 years in prison before the reduction, citing a speed of 106 km/h, which was more than twice the legal limit. Lawyers pointed to Adrian's lack of stopping distance and reckless behavior given his limited experience behind the wheel. His defense asked for a suspended sentence citing a number of mitigating factors such as a clean criminal record, no driving violations and cooperation with investigators. In front of the court, Adrian Atanov stated that he was ashamed of himself.

"I'm sorry, I'm ashamed of myself. I cannot look the families of the dead in the eyes. I sincerely regret what I have done. I ask for leniency. I wouldn't make a similar mistake again," said Adrian Antonov.

Before announcing the amount of the punishment, Judge Bilyana Vrancheva addressed everyone saying that the jury is aware of the monstrous pain of the relatives of the deceased, as well as the monstrous guilt that the defendant feels and motivates the average amount of the punishment with the balance between aggravating and mitigating circumstances.

"How worthwhile it is for us to raise our children in Bulgaria. Two children, brought up, brought up, educated. They knew foreign languages. They could be implemented anywhere. They chose their homeland, I'm not sure that today the homeland chose Ani and Yavor", declared Desislava Malcheva.

"This is also about your children. And for the judges' children. How are we going to stop the madness? Two children killed, six years in prison. It's a shame, it's a mockery. Somewhere in Europe they give life. The lawyer tried to get a suspended sentence. I simply have no words", shared Pavlin Stoyanov, Yavor's father.

"We should be a legal country, but we are not. Bulgaria takes care of criminals", comments Ana Stoyanova.

The families of the dead youths will appeal the sentence to a higher court.