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Who has a name day today, July 30, 2024. Congratulations! **** Those who wear it can choose to draw for a name day on No

Those who wear it can choose to draw for a name day on November 23 as well

Jul 30, 2021 08:38 111

Who has a name day today, July 30, 2024. Congratulations! **** Those who wear it can choose to draw for a name day on No - 1

On July 30, Alexandra, Alexander, Alexandrina, Alexandria, Sasho and Sashka, Alexi, Aleko celebrate their name day.

On this day, the holy church celebrates the feast of St. Alexander of Constantinople. He lived during the reign of Constantine the Great. He participated in the First Ecumenical Council, instead of the aged and sick Patriarch Mitrophanes, after whose death he was elevated to the rank of Patriarch and ruled the Church of Constantinople from 325 to 340. Alexander was a zealous defender of the faith and his flock against the treachery of heretics and pagans.

Alexander translates as “manly, protector of men” from the Greek language. Those who wear it can choose to draw for a name day and on November 23, when the memory of the holy and righteous Prince Alexander Nevsky is honored.