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A woman gave birth to her four children on the same date

Only the year is different

Sep 15, 2024 05:15 114

Not once, twice or even three times - the American from South Carolina Christine Lammert gave birth to all four of her daughters on the same date. And as it turns out, this coincidence is really sheer luck.

The 35-year-old woman became a mother again very recently - on August 25, when her fourth girl, Valentina, was born. Her other three daughters - Sofia (9), Juliana (6) and Mia (3) also have a birthday of August 25 - just like their newborn sister.

"The birthday of the dog I had was August 25," Christine Lammert told People. And she says that she thought it was funny when her first child was born 10 years later on the same date.

"When Juliana was born, she was a little damaged. And when Mia was born, she was very damaged. Now Valentina was born even earlier. We ourselves cannot perceive it", the mother also shares.

According to her, the probability of her four girls being born on the same date is one in 1.285 billion.

"It doesn't happen often at all. Even if you tried to time it, it would be logistically very difficult," confirmed Dr. Megan Gray, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the hospital where Christine Lammert gave birth in 2022, to Good Morning America.

The mother is also adamant that none of her four births were planned. Her youngest daughter, Valentina, was expected to be born on September 25. However, due to concerns about potential abnormalities with the then-unborn baby, Christine and her husband Nick waited until April to tell their daughters they were having another baby sister.

"We had to do a lot of additional tests and everything turned out to be fine," says the mother.

When she and her husband had already announced the news, however, one of their daughters was immediately happy that her baby sister would also be born on August 25.

"I said to her: "Sofia, I really don't want to disappoint you, but she really won't be born on your birthday. There's no way she'll give more than a month," Christine Lammert replied.

And no matter how convinced her daughter was, and the mother was adamant that the new baby would have a different date of birth, the amazing coincidence really happened again.

On August 23, which was her last day of work, Christine felt her vision begin to blur. After being advised to rush to the hospital, she is tested and learns that she has pre-eclampsia, a pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure or signs of organ failure.

In this case, the baby should be born immediately. When they are told this, Christine and her husband Nick realize that it is entirely possible that their fourth daughter will indeed be born on August 25.

"We couldn't believe that this would happen again,", adds the mother.

So Valentina, whose name comes from Christine's mother's maiden name, was born on August 25 at 8:11 am. After the birth, the mother and the baby receive the necessary care, given that it is premature.

On the same day, the whole family comes to the hospital, and an impromptu modest birthday party is organized for Sofia, Juliana, Mia and their newborn sister in the hospital room.

After they return home, the focus continues to be the care and attention of little Valentina and her mother Christine. And the word "miraculous" keeps popping up in her mind. And not so much because of the amazing coincidence that she gave birth to all four of her daughters on the same date, but because of everything she experienced the last time in the hospital, writes
