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September 15: We celebrate the International Day of Democracy

It was established by the UN General Assembly in 2007

Sep 15, 2024 08:07 116

September 15: We celebrate the International Day of Democracy  - 1

The International Day of Democracy was established by the UN General Assembly in 2007 ( resolution A/RES/62/7) and is observed annually on September 15. This date coincides with the 20th anniversary of the first International Conference of New and Restored Democracies, which was celebrated in 2008.

The UN has invited countries, as well as regional, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, to adopt a new holiday as an occasion to draw attention to the state of democracy in the world. After all, democracy is not only a goal but also a process, and only with the full participation and support of the international community, government bodies, society and individual citizens can the ideals of democracy be realized for every person in every corner of the world. holy.

The word “democracy” derived from two ancient Greek words meaning “people” and “power”, and is traditionally translated as “rule of the people”. This term refers to a political regime that is based on a method of collective decision-making with equal influence of the participants on the outcome of the process or on its significant stages.

Democracy is based on the free expression of the people and is closely related to the provision of law and order and the enforcement of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Modern society accepts democracy as universal values and principles. After all, democracy is an expression of people's interests. It is based on inclusion, justice and equal participation and is an essential element of peace, sustainable development and human rights.

The link between democracy and human rights is enshrined in Article 21, paragraph 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states: “The will of the people is the basis of the authority of government; this will must find expression in periodic and unfalsified elections, which must be held with universal and equal suffrage by secret ballot or by other equivalent forms ensuring freedom of vote.

The activities of the United Nations in support of the efforts of governments to promote and strengthen democracy are carried out in accordance with the Charter and only at the specific request of the relevant member states of the United Nations.

On the International Day of Democracy, which is dedicated to a certain theme every year, various educational events are usually held – lectures, seminars, round tables, Olympiads. In addition, information materials on the topic of democracy are being prepared for this date – newspapers, leaflets, brochures.
