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Ukraine ultimately failed to achieve complete isolation of Russia

Zelensky has not budged from his vision of achieving lasting peace, which states that Russia must withdraw completely from the occupied territories

Jun 17, 2024 10:36 67

Ukraine ultimately failed to achieve complete isolation of Russia  - 1

The other day and yesterday in the Swiss resort Bürgenstock conference for peace in Ukraine is a central topic in the Western press today, BTA writes in the press review.

Ukraine won the support of the international community in terms of its territorial integrity and some of its views on the way to end the Russian invasion, but major countries such as India, Brazil and South Africa did not sign the joint declaration, notes the British in. "Financial times". The publication specifies that the joint communique from the conference was signed by nearly 80 of the 92 state delegations present.

From what was said in the general statement "Financial Times" emphasizes that, according to the participating countries, "respect for the territorial integrity and inviolability of all countries" will "serve as a basis" to resolve the conflict in Ukraine. The newspaper also states that the document includes three points from the ten-point Peace Plan presented by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky some time ago.

It is about food exports, nuclear safety and Russia's return of Ukrainian prisoners of war. According to the "Financial Times" these points were chosen to win over developing countries that have not supported Kiev so far.

At the same time, the publication draws attention to the fact that while the support for Ukraine at the end of the summit was impressive, other countries with a strategic role - such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE - also did not support the joint declaration, which is a testimony to Russia's continued international political and economic influence.

Moscow did not have its representative in Switzerland, the forum did not take part and the main supporter of the Kremlin - China, recalls "Financial Teams", citing Zelensky, who said that he was ready to wait for some countries to join the joint communiqué on -late, as long as they share "the same values of words and deeds".

The British publication also pointed to Russia's conditions, announced by President Vladimir Putin on the eve of the meeting in Bürgenstock - the surrender of four Ukrainian regions to Moscow and the termination of actions on Ukraine's accession to NATO. On this occasion, US Vice President Kamala Harris, who was authorized to participate in the peace conference in Switzerland by President Joe Biden, said that Putin "is not calling for negotiations, but is calling for Ukraine to surrender", according to the "Financial Times".

Another British newspaper - "Guardian", also highlighted the countries that have not signed the final text of the joint declaration. Paying attention to the accession to the communiqué of Turkey, which maintains close trade relations with Russia, the publication points out that at the same time the signatures of the representatives of Saudi Arabia, India, South Africa, Thailand, Indonesia, Mexico and the UAE are absent.

Brazil has also not joined, but it has announced that it is participating in the Bürgenstock forum with "observer status". "Guardian" quotes the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, according to whom peace in Ukraine "will take time".

According to a third British newspaper - "Independent", the point in the general communique about "respect for territorial integrity" according to the UN charter, "Putin certainly doesn't like it". The publication emphasizes the hope of many of the countries participating in the forum in Switzerland that in the future Moscow will follow the common path to achieve peace in Ukraine.

World leaders supported the joint declaration, calling for a greater role for diplomacy, but remained divided on how to include Russia in the negotiations, the American New York Times wrote in turn. The publication notes that Zelensky has not backed down from his vision of achieving lasting peace, which states that Russia should completely withdraw from the occupied territories and only then negotiate with it.

Another American edition - "Wall Street Journal", is of the opinion that the "global diplomatic offensive" of Ukraine ultimately failed to achieve complete isolation of Moscow.

"Many world leaders skipped the meeting in Switzerland, as there is pressure on Kiev to seek direct talks with the Kremlin," noted the author in the Lawrence Norman newspaper. "Away from its troubles on the battlefield, Ukraine is struggling to keep the world united behind its vision of ending the conflict with Russia,", he also wrote.