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Modern warfare! China's military has artificial intelligence capable of imitating the tactics of military commanders

Unlike American competitors, Chinese artificial intelligence can not only work as an assistant to the commander of the operation, but also independently lead combat operations

Jun 17, 2024 17:05 117

Modern warfare! China's military has artificial intelligence capable of imitating the tactics of military commanders  - 1

Chinese scientists have developed artificial intelligence capable of imitating the behavior of various military commanders, writes "South China Morning Post, quoted by BTA

The artificial intelligence was developed by specialists from the National Defense University of the People's Liberation Army of China. He could simulate the behavior of a commander based on an analysis of his mindset, experience, and personal qualities as well as his shortcomings. In addition, according to Chinese scientists, the personal characteristics of the "virtual commander" could be adjusted at the customer's request.

The development aimed to help the Chinese military conduct more realistic military exercises in a virtual environment, compensating for the lack of high-ranking officers who cannot always be recruited to participate in such events.

At the same time, unlike American competitors, Chinese artificial intelligence can not only act as an assistant to the commander of the operation, but also independently lead combat operations, say experts from China.