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Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister: Ukraine has taken an irreversible course

Zelensky described Friday's decision as a "historic step"

Jun 24, 2024 11:21 137

Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister: Ukraine has taken an irreversible course  - 1

War-torn Ukraine has taken an "irreversible" course towards integration with the West after the European Union agreed to officially start accession negotiations, said Olha Stefanyshyn, Ukraine's deputy prime minister for European and Euro-Atlantic integration, the Associated Press reported, BTA reported.

The decision to start accession talks this week is a "big day" for the country, she emphasized yesterday in her first interview since she was appointed chief negotiator for EU accession.

"This is the exclusive will of the Ukrainian people. And it is irreversible. You saw that the Ukrainians stood up for their choice," Stefanyshina said.

On Friday, EU leaders agreed to start accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova - overcoming opposition on the issue, led by Hungary, which takes over the EU's rotating presidency on July 1.

Stefanishina will preside over the opening of accession talks in Luxembourg on Tuesday, joined by several senior government officials. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to deliver a speech at the opening ceremony, but Stefanyshina did not specify whether he would do so in person or online.

Zelensky described Friday's decision as a "historic step,", adding in an online post: "Generations of our people are realizing their European dream. Ukraine is returning to Europe".

An opinion poll conducted by the European Parliament earlier this year showed that EU citizens generally support Ukraine's bid for membership, but not so much for speeding up the accession process. Stefanyshina said that Kiev does not want special treatment. "Ukraine is moving quickly, without skipping any elements of the process, without asking for concessions,", she said.

Russia used economic pressure and eventually military force to try to thwart its former Soviet neighbor's drive to join Western alliances it considers hostile.

Deadly protests a decade ago demanding that the government stick to its pledge to forge closer ties with the EU set the country on a course that eventually brought it into conflict with Russia.

"This is a big day for everyone," said Stefanishina, who did not hide her emotions as she described the integration process. "About two years have passed since Ukraine applied for membership. The war is still raging, but the accession is starting now," she added.

Stefanishina is a 38-year-old lawyer who has worked in state and government positions since her early twenties. She leads the 35-member delegation of Ukraine for the negotiations with the EU.

In 2019, Ukraine amended its constitution to reflect the country's European aspirations and submitted a formal application to join the EU on February 28, 2022 - five days after Russia began its invasion of Ukrainian territory.