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The Russian army took an extraordinary decision, tensions are rising in the Black Sea

US drone flights increase the risk of NATO confrontation with Russia, the Russians announced

Jun 28, 2024 11:34 113

The Russian army took an extraordinary decision, tensions are rising in the Black Sea  - 1

Andrei Belousov, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, has sent an order to the General Staff to take of quick response measures in response to the “provocative actions of the USA“ over the Black Sea, the Russian media reported.

It is claimed that the reason for such measures is the sharp increase in the intensity of flights in the region of American strategic drones and strikes by Ukrainian forces in Crimea. The US is giving key intelligence to Kiev to attack military targets on the Russian-occupied peninsula.

„Flights of US drones increase the risk of NATO confrontation with Russia and the likelihood of incidents in the air,”, the Ministry of Defense said. The Russian department did not specify exactly what measures it will take.

After the full-scale invasion, Ukraine inflicted massive losses on the Russian Black Sea Fleet, forcing it to flee far from Crimea. Kiev strikes with drones and missiles on Crimea and Russian ships.

Earlier this month, it was reported that a Global Hawk reconnaissance drone, described by some as the most powerful and capable in the US military, had come unprecedentedly close to Crimea during Ukrainian strikes against targets of the Russian occupiers. The US drone was flying southwest of Russia's main military base in the Crimean city of Sevastopol three hours before Ukrainian forces fired missiles at Russian military targets.

Ukraine has struck Russian anti-aircraft missile systems in the occupied Crimean peninsula, the Ukrainian military claims. “As a result of the strikes, two radars of the S-300 and S-400 complexes were destroyed. Information about the third radar is still being specified, the Ukrainian General Staff wrote in the Telegram application. Days later, Russian military sources reported that Russia had shot down a US Global Hawk drone in the Black Sea, but this information was not confirmed.