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Prof. Zdravko Popov: Biden will be replaced at the last moment

Stopping the war in Ukraine is more profitable for the US than continuing it, the diplomat believes

Jun 29, 2024 06:21 63

Two presidents fighting for a new mandate is a precedent in American history. They show their advantages when they have ruled, not so much what their visions are for future rule.

This is how the diplomat Prof. Zdravko Popov commented on the air of Euronews Bulgaria the debate between the two candidates for the White House in the USA - the current president Joe Biden and the former Donald Trump.

Looked at objectively, both are the fruit of an old political school, a strange symptom that this empire cannot nominate people who are young, vital, with a sense of the future. In contrast to us in Europe - where we nominate young, capable people, Popov pointed out.

"It is not a very good design of this political battle,", he thinks.

"My hypothesis is that Biden will be replaced by the Democratic Party at the last moment," the diplomat predicted. And he recalled that something similar happened in 2016, then it was seen that Trump was defeating Hillary Clinton and there was talk about whether it would not be appropriate to replace her with Sanders.

If Trump re-enters the White House, he will stop the war in Ukraine, which will be a more rational government. Stopping the war is more profitable for the US than continuing it, Prof. Popov also said.