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The New York Times called on Biden to withdraw from the presidential race

The publication said he looked like "the shadow of a great public servant" and would embark on a "reckless adventure"

Jun 29, 2024 07:37 96

The New York Times called on Biden to withdraw from the presidential race  - 1

The editorial board of the American newspaper "The New York Times" called on US President Joe Biden to withdraw from the presidential race, a day after his poor performance in the debate against Donald Trump, world agencies reported, quoted by BTA.

While insisting that 81-year-old Biden has been a "delightful president", the liberal outlet concluded that at the debate he looked like "the shadow of a great public servant" and would be embarking on a "reckless adventure" if he continued his campaign.

"There is no reason for the party to risk the stability and security of the country by forcing voters to choose between the shortcomings of Mr. Trump and those of Mr. Biden," the paper said. "It is too high a bet simply to hope that Americans will ignore or downplay the age and infirmity of Mr. Biden, which they see with their own eyes,", adds the New York edition.

"If the risk of a second Trump term is as great as he says - and we agree with him that the danger is enormous - then his commitment to this country leaves him and his party with only one choice." states the "New York Times".

The editorial was published two hours after Biden arrived in New York for a two-day fundraising tour for his campaign.

It followed a day of chaos and confusion among Democrats after Biden repeatedly froze, slurred and lost his train of thought during the first of two scheduled debates against his Republican rival in Atlanta.

Even before the New York Times editorial board material was published, two of the newspaper's most prominent columnists also called for Biden to step down. "The Democratic Party has some prominent figures who I think would be well positioned to defeat Trump in November," Nicholas Kristof wrote late Thursday after the debate.

"It will be a tough choice. But, Mr. President, one of the ways you can serve your country in 2024 is by announcing your retirement and calling on the delegates to elect your replacement because that is the safest course for our nation,'' he added.

Thomas Friedman, who called Biden "my friend", said he cried while watching the debate and admitted that "Joe Biden is a good man and a good president, but he has no business running for re-election.
