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Pezeshkian beats Jalili after counting 12 million votes in Iran's presidential election in Iran

Total number of voters is 61 million

Jun 29, 2024 07:33 105

Former health minister Massoud Pezeshkian, who belongs to the reformist wing, beat conservative Saeed Jalili, after 12 million votes (61 million voters in total) were counted in Iran's snap presidential election.

This was announced by the representative of the pre-election headquarters of the Islamic Republic, Mohsen Eslami.

After processing the ballots in 32.2 thousand out of 58 thousand polling stations, Pezeshkian won 5 million votes, the representative of the spiritual leader of Iran in the Supreme National Security Council of the Republic of Jalili - 4.875 million, the TV channel reported IRIB.

To win, a candidate must receive more than 50% of the vote. Otherwise, a second round will be held on July 5, in which the two candidates who received the most votes in the first round will take part.