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Atanas Mangarov: The situation with whooping cough in the country is pre-epidemic

In 2014, it was established that the vaccine does not create collective immunity. That is, children do not get sick, but they spread the disease, the doctor stressed

Apr 22, 2024 18:09 346

Atanas Mangarov: The situation with whooping cough in the country is pre-epidemic  - 1

The pertussis vaccine does not create collective immunity. This was stated by Prof. Atanas Mangarov, head of the children's clinic of the Infectious Diseases Hospital in Sofia, in the studio of bTV.

"Whooping cough is something that was expected and has happened in other places around the world. The US has very high vaccine coverage, yet they had a whooping cough epidemic in 2012-2013. The same is observed with us. The basic cell vaccine has one flaw.

In 2014, it was found that the vaccine does not create herd immunity. That is, children do not get sick, but they spread the disease, he emphasized.

"There is another vaccine that has the active ingredient of the disease, it has side effects. It gave a good effect and prevented the vaccinated from getting sick and spreading the infection. These acellular vaccines have fewer side effects, but the duration of protection is shorter (4-5 years)," the infectious disease specialist explained.

"Yesterday we received at least 10 children with proven whooping cough. It's a cough where a person breaks into coughing, their eyes pop out, and they break into coughing. A child who has whooping cough and has to go to the hospital - he has to suffocate already, otherwise it's better to cough at home", said Assoc. Mangerov.

He specified that even if we drink an antibiotic - the whooping cough will not go away faster, it will simply stop the spread.

Pregnant women who want can be vaccinated against whooping cough and thus pass on antibodies to their future baby.“

He explained that the newborn will be protected up to 2 months after birth. It is then that babies are immunized.

Cases of whooping cough are increasing in our country, especially among children, and many are worried. Assoc. Mangerov added that we are in a pre-epidemic situation and said that the elderly are not at risk, but children should be protected.

"Babies should not be gathered with other people because they can be infected," said the specialist.

When asked if there are medicines that help with whooping cough, Assoc. Mangerov said: "Everything is to reassure mothers”. The situation is pre-epidemic, he added.