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Kiril Petkov: Police protection is not a "property" from the authorities! There is a threat report against me

My family is also aware of the risks I take, the former prime minister admitted

Май 18, 2024 16:11 443

Kiril Petkov: Police protection is not a "property" from the authorities! There is a threat report against me  - 1

After a threat report, a permanent police presence was assigned to my home, security is not an “asset” from the power. This is what he wrote on "Facebook" the co-chairman of "Continuing the Change" Kiril Petkov.

"My security was taken down by the NSO in January 2023. Subsequently, the Ministry of Internal Affairs received information about a direct threat to my life, and an interdepartmental commission, in which other services also participate, assigned me security because of this threat. I know that because of the change of our Bulgaria, which I am fighting for, I also attract many detractors.

My family is also aware of the risks I take.

Following this threat report, a permanent police presence was assigned to my home. So this security is not a “acquisition” from the authorities and I do not wish anyone to be assigned security for such a reason. I'm not pretending to be a hero, it's just that the speculation on this topic was terrifying and I want people to know the truth," Petkov wrote.

"I know it's an election campaign, and many politicians are absolutely wild, but the truth must be told, and even criticism based on truth is much more meaningful than dirty mudslinging based on lies. I saw how a human life was lost and how fragile we all are, and I know that we should be more humble," commented Petkov.

I have read in recent days terrible speculations and I see that for many people there are no limits to the human - everything is used for muddy political suggestions, he commented. Petkov points out that he will not respond to them, but it is important for the public to know a few facts so that they are not misled by deranged politicians, for whom there are apparently no limits.

BTA recalls that a car belonging to the National Security Service (NSS), in which the politician was riding, crashed at the entrance to Aksakovo on May 16. Petkov points out that he wants to share additional information in connection with the unfortunate incident, because it is important that the public receives correct information.

"I am in contact with the team taking care of Krasimira, the wife in the accident, and I thank them for keeping me updated several times a day on her condition. For now, her condition is stable and we all hope, with God's help, that she continues to improve. I will continue to monitor her condition every day and, whatever depends on me, I will do it to help", explains Petkov.

He explains that at the time of the accident he was sitting in the back seat on the right - his mandatory seat according to protocol.

"I was on a video conference call with my team for nearly 40 minutes when the incident happened during that call. So I didn't follow the movement and how it all happened. I described my next steps in detail in a previous post.

I am very sorry for the loss of the driver's life and now I just hope,

that the quick response of the ambulance people and the fire department, the people who immediately came to help, led to the saving of at least Krasimira's life, thanks also to the amazing team at the hospital right now. We were neither in a hurry for anything, nor were there any instructions to hurry - another terrible media speculation," adds Petkov.

"Yesterday I also saw other false information in some media that I had an accident in 2021 and Rashkov as a minister had “covered for me”. Horror - lie after lie. In January 2020, long before I entered politics, in Sofia, I was in the position to take the right of way at an intersection, and a passing car hit my front bumper and took it off. There were no casualties, nor was it related to me as a politician, and at least someone was “covering” for anything", writes Petkov.