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The three who embezzled BGN 173,000 went free

Two of them have the lightest measure of "signature", and the third with a cash guarantee of one thousand BGN

Май 23, 2024 10:38 633

The three who embezzled BGN 173,000 went free  - 1

The three Sofians who were caught after a financial fraud was discovered in large sizes in Plovdiv, have been released from custody, TrafficNews learned.

In the second instance, it becomes clear that with the lightest measure “signature” Nikoleta Petkova and Teodor Sergiev are released, and the third defendant, Filip Spasov, escaped with bail of BGN 1,000.

The leader of the group was the Varna prisoner Georgi Georgiev.

They were charged with coercion and causing property damage in the amount of BGN 173,000. From the materials in the case, it became clear that they forced a 46-year-old woman from Stamboliyski, by means of a threat, to dispose of sums of money against her will and thereby caused her damage in the amount of BGN 173,000.

Bank employees are also involved in the fraud, because the loans were granted despite the woman's name appearing on the list of persons with a bad credit rating.

The court's reasons for releasing them are that there is insufficient evidence of racketeering by the three defendants in this case. According to the magistrates, the justified assumption of extortion concerns only the person from the Viber correspondence - the Varna prisoner.