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Municipal Councillor: The problem with the Vitosha elevators started 17 years ago with the signing of a contract

In 2007, Borisov was the mayor, Fandakova was in the capital's privatization agency. For 17 years of the contract, nothing has been done for the other lifts, one by one they stop working, said Hristo Koparanov

Май 23, 2024 22:15 119

Municipal Councillor: The problem with the Vitosha elevators started 17 years ago with the signing of a contract  - 1

Extraordinary meetings and scandals again in the Metropolitan Municipal Council. The first one for today was on the initiative of the PP-DB-SS because of the crisis with the Simeonovsky lift, recalls Bulgaria ON AIR.

"This is the last straw, this is not the only lift on Vitosha that stops working. We have a 9-page contract that sold the shares of "Ropelines". The truth is that in this contract there are no obligations for the operation of the lifts, can they stop, for how long. Art. is missing. 7 - subject of the company", declared the municipal councilor from PP-DB-SS Hristo Koparanov.

He emphasized that the problem with the Vitosha lifts started 17 years ago with the signing of the contract.

"In 2007, the mayor was Boyko Borisov, the capital agency for privatization was Fandakova. For 17 years of the contract, nothing has been done about the other lifts, one by one they stop working and nothing has been done. It should be understood who is interested in not developing tourism on Vitosha", added Koparanov.

According to the lawyer, if the tow trucks are municipally owned, there is no need to change the law, as it allows the development of social services.

"I'm skeptical that they may have broken the contract and taken a penalty - and what turns out to be "Rope Lines" EAD, the company condemned by the municipality to fix the Dragalev lift, becomes municipal property, the municipality takes over the condemned company", summarized the municipal councilor.

He is adamant that until the case finds a permanent solution, "Vitosha Ski" must fulfill his contract. He also stood behind the idea of creating a Vitosha Management Plan.