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Nastimir Ananiev indicated the reason for the failure of We continue to change the elections

We lost many votes because we failed to explain the assembly of the people, admitted the former deputy

Jun 16, 2024 12:34 98

Nastimir Ananiev indicated the reason for the failure of We continue to change the elections  - 1

Politics is made both outside and in the National Assembly, but it is important to there are people to help “from the inside”. A lot of votes were lost, we couldn't explain the assembly, but we couldn't finish it either. An effort should have been made to have another 9 months for people to understand why this effort was being made.

This was stated by Nastimir Ananiev from “We continue the change”-”Democratic Bulgaria” on the air of BNT.

„With the assembly, we tried to show that reforms can happen. There is a political price we paid. People took offense, and rightly so to some extent, because we failed to communicate why this assembly was being made. "We have a communication problem," Ananiev admitted.

„Delyan Peevski is the real winner, he managed to outsmart everyone. But the losers are the citizens. Boyko Borisov should not be afraid to come out and rule with his friend Peevski. He is somehow afraid to be alone in the room with Peevski”, he also said.

When asked if the PP-DB group is united, he said: “I see no reason why it is not united. The point is to communicate as an opposition what we are aiming for. We had a problem with the communication itself. Many voters did not understand whether there will be a new assembly or whether we will be the opposition. People didn't come out to vote because they weren't sure what to expect next. If as many people had voted as in April 2023, the power for the PP-DB would have made a difference.”

About “messages from the forest” he emphasized: “Maybe this video was not successful. But we declared that we will be the opposition, “Yes, Bulgaria” also confirmed. DSB said it will seek a vote of confidence from its asset. We at “Volt” we will also make a decision.”

„The problem is that people didn't come out to vote. There were an awful lot of parties, apart from the big three, that had proposals, but only “Velichie” popped out. One of their concepts – Varna People's Republic, is quite worrying. A new project has sprung up in the pro-Kremlin space in our country," he commented.

When asked why Boyko Rashkov entered the National Assembly instead of him, he stated: “Kiril Petkov called me yesterday, but the conversation was private. There are people who are more useful outside the National Assembly and those who are more useful inside.