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Carlos Contrera: "Sofia Pride" makes fun of the memory of the dead! It will take place on Cherry Stew!

Over BGN 400,000 from the pockets of Sofia residents will go to the gay event

Jun 16, 2024 15:03 107

From "Sofia Pride" they are already making fun of the memory of the deceased by making it on Cherry Stew!

Under the "wise“ administration of Vasil Terziev, the Sofia gay parade will now occupy the entire center of Sofia on June 22 – of Cherry Stew.

This is what Vice President of VMRO Carlos Contrera writes on his Facebook page.

So it turns out that in the first year of the LGBTI+ administration of the capital, i.e. PPDB-Save Sofia, all of Sofia must comply with the gay parade! If before the homosborishte was held in the Prince's Garden, now it will be held in the entire central part of the city – from square "Al. Battenberg“ to "St. Alexander Nevsky“ and vice versa.

Once again, thousands of police officers will be gathered to guard "Sofia Pride". As usual state and municipality will waste state money to protect those with rainbow flags. The bill for the taxpayer will probably exceed BGN 400,000 just for the security … Who and how pays for the entire gay parade is another topic?! Stages, sound, logistics, media, after parties, pre-events, post-events. Where is all this wildness funded? Contrera, who is also a municipal councilor in SOS, continues with his indignation as to who finances it.

On top of all that, the happening will be held right at Chereshova Stash, which we at VMRO are categorically against, because for us this is quite offensive and mostly intentional.

One of the main tasks of the screamers from "Sofia Pride” is to fight and deny traditional values and more precisely to smear and insult our Orthodox traditions and faith because they were retrograde, you understand…

And when I say happening, I pay attention that the organizers of the gay parade talk about a "peaceful protest march". I wonder what they are protesting about. As for the "legal regulation of same-sex partnerships, which will continue to be a focus”, Contrera further specifies and gives other important highlights:

By the way, one of the faces of the gay parade this year is Krasimira Hadjiivanova – co-founder of the "Dear Mother" platform. The same was part of the opening of Vasil Terziev's campaign and I gave an insane speech on stage then. The same is the partner of Elisaveta Belobradova from DB. Just coincidences and odd jobs.

Contrera also specifies that he and VMRO will support the "Family March” on June 22, because for us a family can only consist of a man and a woman and their children. The other is in the realm of psychopathology!