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Associate Professor Stoicho Stoichev: GERB is currently unable to control the majority in the parliament

New elections are not in the interest of the BSP, Velichie and ITN

Jun 16, 2024 17:04 66

Associate Professor Stoicho Stoichev: GERB is currently unable to control the majority in the parliament  - 1

GERB is currently unable to control the majority in the parliament. Whatever the government with the first mandate will be, it will be designated as the GERB government – regardless of what the coalition is and what experts will be placed inside. For the people, the responsibility will be entirely on GERB and Boyko Borisov. Even if he is not prime minister, he will personally bear all the responsibility.

This opinion was expressed to the BNR by political scientist Assoc. Stoicho Stoichev.

He specified, however, that a government with the mandate and responsibility of GERB will depend on coalition partners.

GERB is currently unable to control the majority in the parliament, the political scientist explained.

And he added: "As a coalition government, however stable it is, we should always expect it to be unlikely to complete its full term. /…/ The duration of such a government depends to a large extent on the ability of the parties that form it to enter into objective and adequate coalition relations and talks, and not attempts to lie and outwit, such as those in the form of the assembly.

According to him, it is possible to find a third participant in a possible cabinet with GERB and DPS. The smaller parties are interested in not having early parliamentary elections too soon, because then the possibility of re-entering the parliament is small, explained Assoc. Stoychev.

As small parties in the parliament, he named ITN, BSP and "Velichie":