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Christian Vigenin: BSP will not participate in a new assembly

This trend is from 2021

Jun 17, 2024 20:12 74

Christian Vigenin: BSP will not participate in a new assembly  - 1

We are moving towards an assembly. The first and second have found a common language, the question is who will be the third.

Our National Council has made a clear decision that we will not support a government with a GERB or DPS mandate, nor participate in any coalitions. Tomorrow morning we will gather the executive bureau of the party to discuss whether, as a sign of political dialogue, we should personally tell GERB what our position is. If we go, it will be to tell them that we will not support a government with their mandate.

This was stated by the deputy chairman of the BSP Christian Vigenin in the program “ More from the day” according to BNT.

"There are two options left. With ITN and with the new formation, there is a lot of ambiguity as to exactly how decisions are made and sometimes they can be influenced in one direction or another. "We are much more predictable," said the socialist.

Regarding the request that support will be sought for a government of shared responsibility for certain policies, Vigenin stated: “ No matter how they brand this type of government, it will be GERB's. It can't be done, we will stay away from the next assemblies. If it comes to a third term, we will get together and discuss it.

On the occasion of the BSP election result, namely nearly 75,000 votes less, the politician commented: “A very difficult result, objectively speaking, the wind should have been blowing in our sails. We were an uncompromising opposition, we pushed important policies, so for some this result was a surprise. The trend with a constantly downward score was the reason for Cornelia Ninova to announce her resignation. We did not make any mistakes in the campaign itself. Obviously there are other fundamental reasons that we need to discuss where they come from. One of the things is the broken internal party dialogue and constant internal conflicts, which disappoints our voters. This process was largely stimulated from the outside. We probably didn't approach it right internally. The constant departure of people clearly affects the results”.

„This trend is from 2021. Since then the score has been lower and lower no matter what we do. Many things were beyond our control. This uncertainty, the constant elections, we don't have serious financial resources, there are no oligarchic circles to help us, we don't buy votes”, he listed the probable reasons.

„The resignation of Cornelia Ninova gives a chance for the started conversation to continue in a constructive way. Our task is to calm the party and restore constructive dialogue. Our job is to ensure a smooth transition and find out who is messing up where. The direct election of the chairman of the BSP will take place in October, Vigenin also said.