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Because of this chemical compound, from next year the vignettes and tolls will become more expensive

The proposal is from the Ministry of Regional Development

Jun 17, 2024 21:49 115

Because of this chemical compound, from next year the vignettes and tolls will become more expensive  - 1

Introduction of a new one-day vignette and change in tolls. It is suggested that the pollution from the vehicle should be taken into account when forming the fee. So those who emit less carbon dioxide will pay less. Those who pollute more will have a higher fee.

These are the texts published for public discussion by the Ministry of Regional Development.

The texts also specify the toll charges in relation to European requirements.

With “infrastructure fee“ the state will be able to recover its road maintenance costs. Also congestion charge and external costs.

How are cooked changes accepted?

With experience behind the wheel for over 25 years, Ljubo Timonov believes that before introducing changes, the roads in our country must first be fixed.

„I have been in Europe for 10 years. The people are very advanced. A lot. There is still a lot of work for the state to do on infrastructure. Tolls are taken, vignettes are taken, and roads are taken?“, commented the driver.

Experts add that before the changes come into force, a clear and balanced decision must be made - by how much the fees will increase after the introduction of the carbon dioxide element.

„ Let's clearly and precisely put on the table what is the age of the transport units in Bulgaria that carry out international transport. How much will the cost of transport increase and will this not be excessive for each of us as end users”, pointed out Nikolay Rashkov from the Union of International Carriers.

According to him, it is almost impossible to introduce a congestion charge and infrastructure in the country at the moment, BTV reported.

„Let us have a working infrastructure for the transport network in Bulgaria and only then think about additional fees”, Rashkov emphasized.

According to the goals published by the regional ministry, the changes will make charging fairer and encourage the use of less polluting vehicles.

With the new changes, the introduction of a one-day vignette is also proposed.

We currently have a weekend vignette, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual. If approved, the changes are expected to enter into force in 2025.