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Yotova: Our society is at a crossroads

Bulgaria currently needs to broadcast messages of a stable country in this part of Europe, which already has enough problems, and of a serious partner - both within the European Union and in NATO

Jun 29, 2024 15:12 91

Yotova: Our society is at a crossroads  - 1

Bulgaria currently needs to broadcast messages of a stable country in this part of Europe, which already has enough problems, and of a serious partner - both within the European Union and in NATO. Therefore, we must go with a very strong position to the next summit, Vice President Iliyana Yotova, who is visiting Belogradchik on the occasion of the city's holiday, told journalists, BTA reports.

In her words, the inability to develop preliminary positions for the meeting shows the roots of the political crisis. I hope in the wisdom and reason of the political parties to find the right formula and issue a stable government, she added.

The situation in the country is extremely unstable. There is a great danger of a serious political crisis that will make it so that we will not be able to cope with the Recovery and Sustainability Plan, with the operational programs, nor with important decisions facing our country, commented Yotova.

According to the vice president, it is very difficult to have a minority government. Yotova noted that she has seen several such governments in her political history. This is not a solid political foundation and terrain for good political decisions, because in every more delicate situation, votes begin to be collected, very difficult compromises are made, and the biggest political force will be dependent on everyone else, she commented.

All the strategies and plans that were made by many governments for Northwestern Bulgaria remained in the folders and this effort in writing is inversely proportional to the results, commented Iliana Yotova. The political crisis has a dimension in the municipalities and especially on the Bulgarian citizens, because the mayors, no matter how ambitious they are, the legislative structure of the state is such that at one point they lean on the national authorities – regarding the allocation of European funds, national plans, prices, public procurement, she noted.

Iotova added that our society is currently at a crossroads. We must all realize that Bulgaria is our country and the effort must be common. I really hope that the next cabinet will come with a management program. We are tired of "assemblies", bargaining, contracts. Let those who want and intend to govern present to the Bulgarian citizens the five priorities that Bulgaria will develop in order to retain young people, Yotova said.

The Bulgarian Orthodox Church (BOC) is at the basis of the Bulgarian revival, in the construction and in the creation of the Bulgarian nation, the vice president commented on the upcoming election of the Bulgarian patriarch. The BOC has always been not only a source of hope, but also a source of stability, it helped in the most difficult and delicate moments of Bulgarian history. And now, when we have our doubts, there is tension in the society, conflicts and hatred between us, I hope that a stable Orthodox Church, headed by a new patriarch, will be a part and guarantee that our society will calm down and take the road to the unification, added the vice president.

I will believe that things have changed in terms of respect for human rights and the Republic of North Macedonia has taken steps towards its European membership, when all Macedonians with Bulgarian passports will not be afraid to say that they are Bulgarians and they have Bulgarian origin, comments Yotova. The statement of the new Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia that he will never allow the Bulgarians to be written into the constitution is very worrying. This is regression and going back, trampling on European rules, retreating from European positions. So, he must first give an account to his fellow citizens why he does not want the Republic of North Macedonia to become part of the EU, she added. As for our citizens there, I call on the new authorities very seriously to ensure that there are no burnings of Bulgarian clubs, no physical attacks on Bulgarian citizens and that we really behave like Europeans, Vice President Iliana Yotova also said.