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BSP: Ninova cannot be re-elected as party chairman

This was decided at its meeting in Positano 20 in conditions of available quorum and in the presence of 18 out of 31 members of the All-Party Control Commission of the BSP

Jun 29, 2024 17:35 92

BSP: Ninova cannot be re-elected as party chairman  - 1

Every socialist who has been or is the chairman of the ObS, RS, GS, OblS and the BSP, as well as the ObKK, RKK, GKK and OPKK for two consecutive full mandates, the second of which at the beginning of the 2024 reporting-election campaign, cannot be re-elected in the same position in reports and elections 2024

This was decided at its meeting in Positano 20 in conditions of an available quorum and in the presence of 18 out of 31 members of the All-Party Control Commission of the BSP, the party reports.

In this regard, Kornelia Ninova has served two consecutive full terms as BSP chairperson and cannot be re-elected as BSP chairperson. The body that will be responsible for admitting the candidates for BSP chairman to participate in direct intra-party elections, has no right to admit Kornelia Petrova Ninova to participate in it. This was also decided by the commission with complete unanimity, without votes “against“ or “abstained“.

The OPCC also reminds that 2 consecutive full mandates is an imperative norm, where there are no options for alternative interpretation and behavior. The decision of the OPKK will be sent to all socialists in the country, and together with its reasons, it is mandatory for implementation.