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Ninova: Enough parliamentary bacchanalia. 33 laws are waiting in the registry office

An update of the budget for 2024 has also been submitted

Jul 5, 2024 21:09 69

Cornelia Ninova called for the urgent convening of the temporary committee on the rules of procedure of the parliament. “To elect the committees, to distribute the bills and to do something meaningful”, she declared from the rostrum of the National Assembly today.

“33 bills on important economic issues. social and financial matters are pending, filed in the registry. An update of the budget for 2024 has also been submitted, with which a radical change of the investment program for the municipalities is proposed”, pointed out Cornelia Ninova and concluded:

“There are extremely important issues to be resolved before the Parliament. Instead - 2 weeks of absolute parliamentary bacchanalia and nothing produced for the benefit of Bulgaria and the Bulgarian people. I call on the leadership of the parliament to organize the work so that we can start real work on committees, Ninova urged.