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Boyko Noev: Kalin Stoyanov will no longer be Minister of Internal Affairs. But this is not a triumph of common sense

Simply the status quo or those who supported this minister will replace him with another. A new name will appear, perhaps not so well known to people. With this, the danger of tainting the elections remains, commented the former Minister of Defense

Aug 22, 2024 14:21 124

Boyko Noev: Kalin Stoyanov will no longer be Minister of Internal Affairs. But this is not a triumph of common sense  - 1

The agony to which the country is subjected will continue. Boyko Noev, former Minister of Defense, made the forecast to the BNR and diplomat.

"This is because, on the one hand, the forces of the status quo, embodied in the parliament by two political parties, one of which split, clearly prevail in the current political environment, are clearly still strong and do not allow a change of the status quo. On the other hand, we see the weakness of the forces of change, I mean not the party, but the political representatives of the citizenry, which wanted the status quo to be defeated", he explained, and as the reason for this he pointed to the weakness of the political representation of the democratic people.
Noev was categorical that during his past mandate Glavchev has shown himself to be a representative of the status quo - a representative of Borisov and Peevski.

In his words, Kalin Stoyanov will no longer be the Minister of Internal Affairs. But:

"This is not a triumph of common sense. Simply the status quo or those who supported this minister will replace him with another. A new name will appear, perhaps not so well known to people. With this, the danger of corrupting the elections is preserved, because the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the leadership of the regional offices of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the people who deal with the monitoring and implementation of the law, of the Election Code, will not be changed. There will be no changes in the regional administrations, and hence also the teams that we should rely on to catch the violations of the law".

Peevski and Borisov will retain their power in those bodies, including the CEC, which predetermines the results of the elections, Boyko Noev summarized.

The President, instead of continuing to encourage MPs to fill in the list of missing positions, which would allow him to make another choice for Prime Minister, and hence a caretaker government, he chose the easier way - again to assigned the responsibility to Dimitar Glavchev, he continued his comment.

"Between the president and some parts of the Bulgarian political scene, either there is no good contact, or there is a broken phone and this continues to be a problem. There are some subjective factors, some interpersonal enmities, which prevent sober political decisions. This is not in anyone's favor".

His prediction for the future government of Glavchev is that the lawlessness and impotence of the state will continue. But, according to him, now is his moment to see if he will separate and be independent from Borisov and Peevski, or if he will continue "to play their bagpipes". He has been given a chance to make amends, he thinks.

The diplomat appeals to the political forces to convene an extraordinary meeting of the National Assembly on the occasion of "the unconstitutional actions, the illegal actions of Interior Minister Kalin Stoyanov, which were essentially some form of soft coup". He pointed out that in this case, he lacks the political assessment of Prime Minister Glavchev. According to him, he should have fired him immediately. He also believes that none of the ministers in the government deserve their position. And he explained that none of them raised the question and did not rebuke Stoyanov's actions. Noev insists on a political assessment of Glavchev about what is happening, in order to see the platform for the formation of the new government.
According to him, the changes in the Constitution turned out to be "a trap for the state". I don't see a political leader who will come out and honestly say that he has proposed a specific amendment, the former minister opined, adding: "Anyway, their political short-sightedness has led us to this situation.".

Who proposed these changes to the Constitution, which led us to this unprecedented crisis, asked Boyko Noev.

"If they didn't want Borisov and Peevski to continue ruling the country, they are so politically short-sighted that they don't deserve, they shouldn't be political leaders of the respective political formations anymore. p>

There has never been such irresponsibility, he summed up.

Boiko Noev also commented on the case with the loans of Rumen Gaitanski - Valka, granted by the Bulgarian Development Bank. Who was the Prime Minister then, he asked. According to him, Boyko Borisov should take his political responsibility:

"Stoyan Mavrodiev is a piece of shit, what a defendant Stoyan Mavrodiev is. He is a civil servant, head of a state bank. She has her superiors, she has her place in the state. There are no innocents".
Who allowed Stoyan Mavrodiev to give BGN 150 million to Valka, who allowed Stoyan Mavrodiev to give BGN 500 million for installations for the dams, Boyko Noev also asked and expressed hope that we will someday get to the answers to these questions.

"These 150 million are a drop in the ocean. The stolen and misused money over the past years during the rule of Borisov and Peevski is much more," he categorically stated.