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Scandal in "Referendum": Boyan Rasate attacked a political opponent

The media are to blame for the 30-year transition

Oct 1, 2024 22:24 40

Scandal in "Referendum": Boyan Rasate attacked a political opponent  - 1

Ugly scenes marked the pre-election debate in the show “Referendum” according to BNT. The presenter failed to ask the representative of the Bulgarian National Union – ND Boyan Rasate.

In the beginning, the debate proceeded in a normal and respectful tone. The politicians said the priorities of the political formations they represent. At one point the situation got out of control. The reason for this was the words of Rasate, who pointed out that some of the people responsible for the fact that Bulgarians are in a bad situation at the moment were standing in the studio.

„All I hear is that the state should do this or that. We are currently playing the part in some theater like the ostrich, which has its head buried in the ground and does not realize what is happening. We talk empty stories about how the state should have done something to restore the state and start living well. How can this happen without going into the details of who this country is – criminal criminal groups, political organizations that are mafia structures, ex-communists, agents of the DS, scoundrels, hypocrites and sellers. These scumbags have to do what they are so that those below can live better,”, he began.

„What have you done so far?”, Maria Koleva from PP „Pravoto” asked him.

„Decommunization had to be done and the people who participated in previous administrations and brought the people to a beggar's stick, were thrown out of politics, economy, health care and education, so as not to form the next generations of oligophrenics. You should have registered again in the list of the BSP, where you were in the last election, and shut your mouth. Chameleons like you who switch political parties every election and lie to the poor voter to vote for you – that's a wasted voice”, Rasate turned to Koleva.

She did not owe him anything: “What are you doing – only criminal acts. You are the biggest sellout and criminal who committed crimes during the campaign”.

„I am the biggest political criminal in the Republic of Bulgaria and I am proud of it. I am proud that I did not take part in running and looting the country. I have not been on the list of any selling party, like some of the people present here. "I'm bored because we say the same thing seven times," Boyan Rasate blurted out.

In his words, the media are to blame for the 30-year transition, because they were the helpful crutch of all the rulers.

Vencislav Dimitrov from the CP "My country Bulgaria" changed the subject as the economy developed. He emphasized that the revival of the economy will happen if the state does not interfere. The state must create conditions for business development.

Here he was interrupted by Boyan Rasate, who listed: “ That is, Peevski, Borisov, Cornelia Ninova and Ahmed Dogan – they are the state”.

What has been happening in recent years with the confiscation of businesses must stop, Dimitrov stressed. “The clubs are the state. They are profiting from this chaos”, the representative of the Bulgarian National Union replicated it – ND.

I don't agree, because this money will be absorbed if we don't lose it, explained Saev.

Rasate interrupted him with the words: “They will go into someone's pockets”.