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April 30, 1945 In besieged Berlin, Adolf Hitler committed suicide

On May 1, 1945, 13 hours after the suicide, Stalin was informed of Hitler's death

Apr 30, 2024 03:09 414

April 30, 1945 In besieged Berlin, Adolf Hitler committed suicide  - 1

April 30, 1945, afternoon, Berlin. The Reich Chancellery. The perpetrator of the bloodiest military conflict in the history of mankind, Adolf Hitler, committed suicide.

In the late afternoon, the rest of the bunker found Hitler shot and lying on the ground, the sofa next to him soaked in his blood. He took his own life by ingesting cyanide and simultaneously shooting himself in the head.

Eva's lifeless body is also there. She only used cyanide to end her life. Eva adamantly refuses to leave the bunker as the Red Army approaches, insisting that she is among the few remaining loyal to him. Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun entered into a civil marriage on April 29 with Joseph Goebbels and Martin Bormann as witnesses.

Hitler committed suicide just two days before the capitulation of Berlin on May 2, 1945, and about a week before the end of World War II on May 8, 1945.

On May 1, 1945, 13 hours after the suicide, Stalin was informed of Hitler's death. General Hans Krebs relayed this information to Soviet General Vasily Chuikov when they met at 4 a.m. on May 1 to negotiate the surrender of Germany.

The charred remains were discovered by the Russians. Hitler was identified by his personal dentist by his dentures. After identification, the corpses of the Goebbels, Adolf and Eva Hitler and General Krebs were buried in the deployment area of the SMERSH counterintelligence department of the 3rd shock army – first in the Berlin district of Buch, then in the cities of Finow, Stendal, Rathenow and finally in Magdeburg. In the act of February 21, 1946, signed by the head of SMERSH of the 3rd Shock Army, it is said: “In the area of the town of Ratenov, the pit with the corpses of Hitler, Braun, Goebbels and their children and General Cripps was excavated. .. All the listed corpses are found in a half-decomposed state in wooden chests and in this form were delivered to the city of Magdeburg and buried again in a pit 2 meters deep in the yard of house #36 on the street “Vestenstrasse”.

On March 13, 1970, the chairman of the KGB of the USSR, Yuri Andropov, sent a secret letter to the general secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Leonid Brezhnev, with a proposal to destroy the remains, since the military site was subject to handover to the German authorities. On March 16, the proposal was accepted, and on March 26, Andropov approved the plan for the top-secret operation "Archive".

On the night of April 4-5, 1970, a task force from the special department of the KGB in the 3rd Army opened the graves. On April 5, the remains were transported to the area of the training ground, ground up and burned. The ashes are scattered in one of the tributaries of the Elbe River.

Adolf Hitler is the main culprit behind the slaughter of millions on the battlefields and the gas chambers of 6 million Jews, thousands of Gypsies and forced sterilization.

The Holocaust refers to the extermination of approximately six million European Jews during World War II by Nazi Germany. Other ethnic, political and social groups were also persecuted and destroyed by this regime. If non-Jewish victims are also taken into account, the total number of dead is estimated at nine to eleven million.

The veracity of the Holocaust evidence, the number of victims, and the claims of mass executions by gas chambers are contested by some historians and public figures. In a number of European countries, mostly severely affected by the ideology of National Socialism, such as Germany, Austria and France, denial of the Holocaust is considered a crime.