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"Buzludzhantsi" with an appeal to the members and sympathizers of the BSP

Let's start the all-party unification for a complete renewal of the BSP

Mar 26, 2024 13:43 40

"Buzludzhantsi" with an appeal to the members and sympathizers of the BSP - 1

The participants in the meeting "On the future of BSP and the left" on Saturday, March 23, issued an appeal to the members and sympathizers of the Bulgarian Socialist Party. In his speech at the beginning of the discussion in Hall 6 of the NDK, the leader of the capital's socialists, Ivan Takov, proposed to create an ideological and political movement "Buzludzha". in BSP. His initiative was accepted, and the organizers of the meeting at the NDK immediately began work on the formal creation of the ideological current within the party. At the meeting, Ivan Takov was named as the informal leader of the movement. This is indicated by BSP-Sofia.

In their appeal, the participants in the meeting on Saturday at the National Palace of Culture and Sports stated that the BSP needs a new Buzludzhan spirit and energy in order to carry out the vital ideological, organizational and personnel change. So that socialist morality, camaraderie and authentic left-wing politics can return to it, which the BSP can lead without hesitation or compromise.

"In order for the BSP to be a first-class political force again - now and in the future, today we call on all true socialists and sympathizers to start a party-wide unification for the complete renewal of the party, which will work to eradicate the vicious "leadership" apparatus-command style and method of disposal in and with the party, to restore the fundamental constitutional principles, norms and practices of intra-party democracy", they write in their appeal.

In it, the participants in Saturday's meeting demand that members of the National Assembly of the BSP immediately convene an extraordinary session of the 50th Congress of the BSP. "The delegates, in the light of the fierce pre-election political situation, should take the urgent decisions to restore the structures and the capacity of the party in the center and in places, to make imperative changes in the Statute and to elect a new leadership of the BSP, they also call. "If this is not done, the party faces the real danger of a continued decline in confidence in the upcoming European and early parliamentary elections".

Buzludzhan residents are adamant that at the present moment the BSP is obliged to become the bearer of a policy for uniting all left-wing formations and individuals with left-wing convictions in the name of the rights and needs of the people of wage labor, social justice and the national interests of Bulgaria .

"Breaking the Capital Party Organization with the illegitimate "decision" of the National Assembly of the BSP on February 25, taken immediately before the European elections in June, represents the latest example of the purposeful divisive course of the party leadership, aimed at a deliberate split of the leading structures of the party, at the resurrection of the darkest practices of "purges" of the "enemy with a party ticket," they declare. - We reject the absurd actions of group exclusion of socialists opposed to the arbitrariness of the leadership, as it happened, in the apparent lack of a supporting majority, and with members of the highest party body at the meeting of the 50th Congress of the BSP on February 11, 2023 which leads to staff impoverishment and organizational weakening of party structures".

The appeal of the participants in the meeting "For the future of BSP and the left" will be sent to all BSP municipal structures. "We call on the members and sympathizers who value the honor and dignity of the BSP to join the Ideological-political movement in the BSP "Buzludzha" in order to work united together for the future of the party and the left in Bulgaria, to preserve spirit and to be worthy successors of the work of Dimitar Blagoev-Dyadoto and his associates", they conclude their call.