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With 107 "yes" votes, the deputies approved the National Health Strategy 2030

The report of the Health Committee states that the National Health Strategy 2030 is the leading strategic document for the "Health" sector, which defines the long-term vision for its development, strategic goals and priorities, as well as the specific policies for their implementation

Apr 18, 2024 16:08 82

With 107 "yes" votes, the deputies approved the National Health Strategy 2030  - 1

The National Assembly adopted the National Health Strategy 2030. The document was submitted by the Council of Ministers and refined by a working group to the Health Care Committee in the Parliament. The National Assembly made the decision to adopt the strategy with 107 votes “for“, 36 “against“ and eight “abstained”, transmitted by BTA.

The report of the health commission states that the National Health Strategy 2030 is the leading strategic document for the "Health" sector, which defines the long-term vision for its development, strategic goals and priorities, as well as the specific policies for their implementation. The National Health Strategy 2030 ensures the implementation of the policies and measures laid down in the national strategic documents of a higher rank, namely the National Development Program Bulgaria 2030 and the National Plan for Recovery and Sustainability, integrating them into the general sectoral priorities and policies and complements them with other specific measures.

The National Health Strategy 2030 indicates the specific results to be achieved by 2030 and indicators for evaluating the implementation of the set goals and priorities. The strategy will be implemented through an Action Plan for the period 2023 - 2026 and an Action Plan for the period 2027 - 2030, containing the specific measures, actions, resources and deadlines for the implementation of each policy, the commission's report says. The executive power has a commitment to developing a specific action plan.

After the vote, Kostadin Angelov (GERB-SDS), chairman of the health commission, thanked all the people's representatives for their efforts to get this document adopted. It would not have been a fact if it were not for the efforts of Dr. Alexander Simidchiev, chairman of the working group, noted Angelov.