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Prof. Veselin Vuchkov: The Ministry of Internal Affairs is experiencing one of its most dramatic crises

There is a layer of about 6,400 civil servants in the Ministry of Internal Affairs who receive both a salary and a pension

Apr 21, 2024 17:41 242

Prof. Veselin Vuchkov: The Ministry of Internal Affairs is experiencing one of its most dramatic crises  - 1

The accusations of the participation of the Chief Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Zhivko Kotsev in a criminal group for smuggling deal a heavy blow to the ministry. Prof. Veselin Vuchkov, former Minister of the Interior, lecturer at NBU and SSU, stated this to the BNR.

"The Ministry of the Interior is experiencing one of its most dramatic crises, at least at the image level. There are also internal problems. Overcoming it will not happen overnight. But the sooner a way is found, the better. This very much depends on the new professional leadership.

Many people draw dividing lines between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the judicial system, and this should not be done, Prof. Vuchkov also pointed out.

"The scandals in the judicial system, although different in genesis, have something in common with what is happening in the interior ministry. Everything will also be woven into a very ugly and muddy pre-election battle. There is indeed a crisis of confidence in the ministry. Citizens have less and less. A way must be found to overcome this - so that there are no scandals of this kind in the near future, and those who were involved in such events should get what they deserve.

He pointed out that over the past 15-20 years, he has witnessed "such endeavors that start with fireworks at the beginning, and in the end we hear either termination orders or acquittals.

"But whatever happens, this effect of undermining confidence in the Home Office is hard to erase.

Veselin Vuchkov shared in the program "Sunday 150" that he experienced the greatest difficulties due to the lack of support for a serious reform in the Ministry of the Interior when he held the position of Minister of the Interior.

"As well as being obliged to work with people who I spoke against in the campaign and who represent the exact opposite of what you want to do.

The Ministry of the Interior needs optimization of internal work processes, Vuchkov is convinced. Development of human resources is also necessary, he also pointed out.

"There is a layer of about 6,400 civil servants in the Ministry of Internal Affairs who receive both a salary and a pension. These are mostly people in management positions. The principle they follow is "one day will pass, another will come". This stops the natural development and rejuvenation of the composition".

He noted that a law has already been adopted, with which the salaries of all employees in the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be increased by between 25 and 30% from January 1, 2025. "The need to reduce administrative structures and gradually release all pensioners. A selfish increase in wages will not lead to anything good.

In order to make serious reforms, you must have a convincing political majority in the parliament, Prof. Vuchkov further explained.

"Most likely, the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will remain as it is at the moment".

Current minister Kalin Stoyanov is not a political person, said Veselin Vuchkov. "At the same time, there is no clear political force behind it.

Therefore, a serious reform can hardly be expected, the professor believes. He also admits that there are politicians who are afraid of its implementation.