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After the serious accident on the road to "Makaza": Four people are in hospital - three children from 7 to 17 years old and a 55-year-old woman

Most likely, improper overtaking by a Bulgarian car is the cause of the accident

Май 12, 2024 17:43 316

After the serious accident on the road to "Makaza": Four people are in hospital - three children from 7 to 17 years old and a 55-year-old woman  - 1

The serious chain accident happened just before 9am on Sunday on the road to “Makaza”. They hit “Volkswagen“, “BMW“ and “Mercedes“, two of the cars have Bulgarian registrations, the third - Romanian, reported Most likely, improper overtaking by a Bulgarian car is the cause of the accident. The foreign car was moving towards the border, the others - towards Kardzhali.

A total of four people have been admitted for treatment from today's accident on the main road from Kardzhali to the border checkpoint (BCP) "Makaza”, in the area of the village of Varhari in Momchilgrad.

This is reported by the press center of the Multispecialty Hospital for Active Treatment "Dr. Atanas Dafovski“ in Kardzhali.

Three of them were admitted to the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care of the Kardjali hospital. They are children aged 7 and 14, and a woman aged 55. The fourth patient - a 17-year-old girl, who will be transported for treatment to the University General Hospital for active treatment in the city of Plovdiv.

The regional hospital in the city of Arda also states that at the moment the general condition of those admitted for treatment with them is stable.