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Kornelia Ninova to Elena Yoncheva: Dependent people are comfortable in politics

While we were in government, we adopted social policies such as free kindergartens, increased money for maternity, lower taxes for working young families with children, the BSP leader pointed out

Май 12, 2024 20:43 135

Kornelia Ninova to Elena Yoncheva: Dependent people are comfortable in politics  - 1

“We are the authentic left party,” said BSP chairman Cornelia Ninova in the bTV studio.

She pointed out that while BSP was in power, social policies were adopted such as free kindergartens, increased money for maternity in the second year, lower taxes for working young families with children, 200 BGN food vouchers for workers, a minimum wage that is 50% of the average, a 30% increase in pensions.

This is the BSP and this is a left-wing politician. Let the voters judge by actions, not by declarations, that someone is a leftist. In “The Left” the main participant is ABV. The party was in coalition with GERB. After the local elections, Vanya Grigorova promised to raise the salaries of transport workers in Sofia, but her first job was to raise her own salary from BGN 1,000 to BGN 6,000. This is not left," Ninova commented.

„While we were in government, BSP managed the Ministry of Economy and Industry. We very seriously rehabilitated the state-owned enterprises and brought Bulgaria to first place in terms of industrial growth in Europe. Months after the fall of the “Petkov“ cabinet, in which I participated, the transfer of all government commitments to non-governmental organizations began. Part of social care has been transferred to non-governmental organizations, added the chairman of the BSP.

„There are also many young people in our lists for the European elections. Rumen Gechev is an expert, economist, financier, participates in international organizations, internationally respected economist. She can represent the Bulgarian national interest absolutely worthy”, she explained.

In her words, MEP Tsvetelina Penkova is on the list of the BSP and ensures continuity. Ninova also commented on the promotion of Elena Yoncheva as a candidate for MEP from DPS:

„I knew in advance Elena Yoncheva's addictions and positions on the war, on the Istanbul Convention, her votes in the EP, which were contrary to those of the BSP. By addictions I mean KTB. It turned out that she was convicted of non-payment of taxes to the National Revenue Agency of an offshore company. Dependent people are comfortable in politics.

„Peter Vitanov and Sergey Stanishev sent letters of motivation why they should be MEPs from BSP – kill me i don't understand this Can you dedicate your political life to slandering for years the party that made you an MEP, and finally write that you want to be the leader of the list”, Cornelia Ninova added.

„I do not think that Europe can die, but I think that it cannot continue to exist in this form. It needs to be changed. The extremes professed by the European elite must be changed – from the Green Deal to the disregard for the national interests of individual members. There is a discussion to make the decisions not by unanimity, but by majority – this is a dangerous trend, because one of the countries will remain on the periphery and other countries will decide the fate of the Bulgarian people”, said the chairman of the BSP Kornelia Ninova.