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The owner of the weapon with which a child shot another in Arbanasi is already a defendant

The 60-year-old businessman must appear as a defendant on May 16, Thursday at the prosecutor's office

Май 13, 2024 19:53 158

The owner of the weapon with which a child shot another in Arbanasi is already a defendant  - 1

The district prosecutor's office in Veliko Tarnovo announced that the owner of the weapon with which a child shot another in Arbanasi was served with a summons to appear as a defendant on Thursday, May 16.

On Sunday evening, the 60-year-old businessman, who is the owner of the firearm, was released from custody. Asked for comment, his phone signaled "free". The wife of the businessman, whose birthday the company celebrated, also passed the questions about what exactly happened on the holiday, Nova TV reported.

The shooting between the children happened around 1:30 pm. But the signal reached the police an hour later. “The signal was not submitted to 112, but to Emergency Services”, said Tihomir Shabov from the District Prosecutor's Office in Veliko Tarnovo.

According to initial information, the shot was fired accidentally with a legally owned weapon left unattended. “The gun was left on a bench in the yard. There were quite a few children playing and in this game a shot was fired. But this is the main version. We research everyone else. There were 15-16 people present at the incident. So far, 10 people have been questioned. In this regard, swabs were taken of all the faces”, added Shabov.

The girl who was shot is 12 years old. He has a moderate physical injury and was operated on urgently in the orthopedics of the Veliko Tarnovo hospital. As of today, he is already in a Sofia hospital. Both the child who pulled the trigger and the injured child are close to MP Yavor Bozhankov. He himself wrote on Facebook that the children found the weapon and thought it was a toy.