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Political scientist: Voters are waiting for another messiah, but so far they don't see him

The speakers of GERB are starting to launch the thesis that Boyko Borisov should become prime minister. But what do the non-voting 1 million Bulgarians think? - asks Alexander Dimitrov

Май 13, 2024 22:42 230

Political scientist: Voters are waiting for another messiah, but so far they don't see him  - 1

A serious, managerial alternative to GERB and PP, capable of creating a government - can hardly be formed in the new 50th parliament. This is what he told Agency “Focus" Alexander Dimitrov, doctor of political sciences and specialist in elections.

"A small alternative, of the order of 4-5% of the formation, maybe up to somewhere. But this is not essentially an alternative to GERD. The real alternative to the management of GERP and PP is President Rumen Radev. But his tools were taken, in my opinion, by trampling on the Constitution, and I personally think that the Constitutional Court will rule immediately after the elections and restore the powers of President Radev.

Because otherwise the balances in the country will be seriously disturbed and we will enter a rather uncharted territory from which the exit will be very difficult. But in any case, we are moving towards the formation of a new social contract with new political entities in the near future and a new Constitution", the expert also said.

According to him, the voters are waiting for another messiah, but they don't see him. The new messiah will have a hard time gaining trust.

"Until now, the messiah usually appeared, rotated for two months actively on television and here you are a new party, we take 20%. These things will no longer happen this way, it will be difficult and proof of qualities will be required.

And I personally think that people have already realized that it is not a big plus to elect some brand new people who have never been involved in politics, because it turns out that they are quite uneducated in terms of how on which the state works. They can be amazing specialists in their field, but public administration is a completely different field.

And I think that the new messiah, if one appears at all, he will rather come from the circles of state administration, he will have experience, perhaps not a little, in a high position. And he will have to claw his way to power, not with two months of active advertising on the two national televisions, which by the way are losing their influence because more and more people prefer to follow You Tube, Tik-Tok, Facebook, and there already has a pretty substantial audience. Yes, older people are traditionalists, but I personally think that television is the new radio," Dimitrov pointed out.

He also said that the speakers of GERB are starting to launch the thesis that Boyko Borisov should become Prime Minister. What does this unrepresented 1 million think about this thesis?

"With regard to the DPS, there is no way, there is no legitimacy, and the GERB voters themselves have a problem forming a coalition with the DPS. For DPS, this will be magnificent, no problem, they will enter through the front door into power. Something like an expert government can be disguised, it won't be permanent, there can't be a permanent government with 600 and no 400, under 1 million votes you can't make a stable government.

GERB, when they came to power, only they had 1,650,000 votes, separately there was DPS, they got nearly 500,000, and they supported them informally, then there was the formation of Mr. Kostov and they supported, they even gave ministers, they did not participate officially, but they supported. There was, Borisov's first government had more than 2,500,000, they don't vote that much now.

It's gone, until the million in question, the missing million, come out to vote, things won't happen. Therefore, the most logical thing, regardless of whether it will happen by force or willingly, that is, voluntarily, is new elections, whether in the fall, in parallel with the elections in the States or perhaps shortly after them, which will have to reflect the new situation in the world.

Because this is an important issue by the way. The truth is that the change of power that is expected in the United States, that is, the new American foreign policy regarding the war in Ukraine and Russia, separately after the result of the new European elections, here we can already expect our weather vanes to turn in the other direction direction", Alexander Dimitrov also said.