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Haralan Aleksandrov: I do not rule out the option of a minority government

"The most honest approach will be a difficult coalition, in which we are not supposed to be pushed by some sellers of snorkels and plagiarists for prime ministers. And some person who will gather at least the minimum public trust and be competent in at least some field", is categorical Levon Hampartsumyan

Jun 17, 2024 09:38 79

Haralan Aleksandrov: I do not rule out the option of a minority government  - 1

Expert cabinet, management with bright politicians or new elections? What are the possible coalition majorities and will we get out of the political crisis? Will GERB-SDS find governing partners in the next National Assembly? What are people's expectations? Comment on the topic in the studio of “Hello, Bulgaria” did the social anthropologist Haralan Alexandrov and the financier Levon Hampartzumyan.
„The collective consciousness is quite confused and prone to hallucinations lately - for political and climatic reasons. I think the high temperatures help. I think we should not follow the collective consciousness and its expectations. As for the need to form a coalition government – it is obvious. From a managerial, economic and even geopolitical point of view. Let's hope that efforts will be made and the possible will be achieved in these difficult conditions”, Aleksandrov stressed.
In his words “I don't see anything else to be – either it will be a coalition, with a clear coalition agreement, or if everyone tries to escape responsibility once again – we will go to new elections”. “I do not rule out the option of a minority government. Because if he fails to gather support – the better option, at least in my opinion, for Borisov and GERB – as the winning party, to make a minority government and invite everyone to support it. Then, of course, there will be floating majorities and bargaining, and it will have to be explained again why such a compromise is permissible in the name of society, he added.

According to Hampartsumyan, “there is no doubt that we need to call things by their real names”. “The most honest approach will be a difficult coalition, in which we are not supposed to be pushed by some sellers of snorkels and plagiarism for prime ministers. And some person who can gather at least the minimum public trust and be competent in at least some field, he is categorical.