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The important news in FAKTI on 17.06.2024

The new government will consist of GERB, DPS and the party "There is such a people", the leader of "Velichie" is sure

Jun 17, 2024 22:30 90

The important news in FAKTI on 17.06.2024  - 1

Nikolai Markov on the invitation from the GERB negotiation team: We don't have what about the ladies

Party "Majesty" would get involved in talks about a government, only if the leader of the party Boyko Borisov participates in them on behalf of GERB. This was stated by Nikolay Markov of the new parliamentary formation to the BNR in response to a question about whether his party accepts the invitation for talks tomorrow with the GERB negotiating team, composed of Denitsa Sacheva, Temenuzhka Petkova and Raya Nazaryan:

Because of this chemical compound, starting next year, vignettes and tolls will be more expensive

Introduction of a new one-day vignette and change in tolls. It is suggested that the pollution from the vehicle should be taken into account when forming the fee. So those who emit less carbon dioxide will pay less. Those who pollute more will have a higher fee.

This is how far from Plovdiv they felt the earthquake

According to the latest data from the European Seismological Center, the magnitude of the earthquake at 20:24 this evening near Plovdiv was 4.3 on the Richter scale!

Angel Naidenov: In the war in Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense is strategic

There has been no conscription in Bulgaria for the past 15 years. The role of the Minister of Defense is important, especially in times of crises and ongoing wars. It gains particular visibility, both in terms of internal political and geopolitical processes. A defense minister has a huge financial resource – except for defense, for military intelligence, for military attachés, in terms of the commitments it has within NATO and the Council of Defense Ministers. Apparently, the management of GERB has realized the importance and necessity of having this resource.

This is how the parliamentary groups in the 50th National Assembly will be arranged in the plenary hall

At a technical meeting in the parliament, representatives of the seven political forces in the 50th National Assembly have reached an agreement on how their deputies will be placed in the plenary hall.

Poroi opened huge potholes on the roads in Smolyan

Heavy rain damaged infrastructure in Smolyan. Streets that until recently were under repair for the city's water project have been demolished.

Strong earthquake near Plovdiv

An earthquake was registered near Plovdiv. The magnitude was 4.3 on the Richter scale. The tremor was registered at 20:24 at a depth of 4.9 km. Its epicenter is 15 kilometers southeast of Plovdiv and 4 kilometers north of Asenovgrad.

Radan Kanev admitted: I am not talking about the collapse of the coalition between PP and DB

We have no place in government in the current parliament. It is clear that consultations are being held today to form a cabinet. We have clearly stated that we will not participate in such a cabinet and I do not see why we had to waste GERB's time today.

Kristian Vigenin: BSP will not participate in a new assembly

We are moving to an assembly. The first and second have found a common language, the question is who will be the third.

The caretaker prime minister is optimistic that the new government will last a full term

I am an optimist and hope that a regular government with a full mandate will be formed quickly. I hope for a quick understanding between the people's representatives. This is also best for Bulgarian citizens.

Ivo Mirchev: Boyko Borisov does not want a government now, but he will do it under Peevski's pressure

We were not aware of the symbiosis between Borisov and Peevski. This is what Ivo Mirchev from “Democratic Bulgaria” said in the bTV studio.

Manuela Maleeva: It will be quite scary if a government of GERB and DPS is formed, we have already experienced this< /a>

I haven't thought about whether to run for the leader of "Yes, Bulgaria". I am a person who can talk to everyone.

Rosen Plevneliev: A strong government is made with politicians, but also with a program

„There must be a government. Enough with the games. Bulgaria needs politicians to be responsible – that's what the voters said. s-ergonomichni-sedalki-el-reguliruemi-i-s-podgravane">We are buying 70 new cars for the deputies, they must be 4x4, with ergonomic seats, electrically adjustable and heated

BGN 4 million is allocated by the National Assembly for the leasing of new cars for the needs of the Parliament. There will be 70 cars of the same brand and model and factory new with diesel or gasoline engines, bTV reported. -e-zakonno-izbran-za-kmet-na-blagoevgrad">YOU: Metodi Baikushev is legally elected mayor of Blagoevgrad

The Supreme Administrative Court upheld the decision in administrative case No. 1097 of 2024 of the Administrative Court - Blagoevgrad, related to the election of the mayor of the municipality of Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria ON AIR reported.

IMF: Admission of Bulgaria to the Eurozone it is realistic to be later in 2025,

Bulgaria's economic ties with Russia are weakening, but those with China are on the rise. This is according to a report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on selected topics after the organization's regular mission to Bulgaria at the beginning of the year, reported

"The 8 dwarves": The prosecutor who gave Iliya Zlatanov's gold to Petyo Euroto and his wife, asked to return to work

The removed because of the case “The Eight Dwarfs“ prosecutor Dilyan Deyanov has asked to be reinstated at the district prosecutor's office in Pernik, "Lex" reported.

Birth in a parking lot: A woman gave birth to a baby girl in the back seat of a car in front of the hospital in Veliko Tarnovo< /p>

A 32-year-old woman gave birth in the parking lot of the Multidisciplinary Regional Hospital for Active Treatment “Dr. Stefan Cherkezov” in Veliko Tarnovo, BNR reported. A team of doctors, midwives and neonatologists performed the birth under field conditions, the medical facility reported.

199,184,964 BGN: So much was paid out in May by the Metropolitan Municipality, to whom, you can see on her website

The capital municipality has made payments in May 2024 in the amount of BGN 66.8 million and has loaded BGN 105.5 million limits for financing payments of expenses to regional administrations and to secondary and tertiary allocators of funds &ndash ; BGN 25.9 million, it is clear from the information published on the website. The total value for all payments in May is BGN 199,184,964.

Denitsa Sacheva: There is similarity between GERB-SDS and DPS in terms of the main priorities for the country

The Prime Minister and the Speaker of the Parliament will be from GERB, said Denitsa Sacheva from the formation's negotiation team after talks with the DPS for a cabinet with the first mandate, quoted by BNT.

No surprise: Atanas Atanasov remains at the head of "Democrats for a strong Bulgaria"

As expected, Atanas Atanasov remains at the head of the DSB and as part of the PP-DB coalition. Today, at its meeting, the National leadership of the party assessed the results of the elections as a "serious loss", but with the clarification that it is a loss of the PP-DB coalition.

Borislav Gucanov categorical: We will not have meetings and talks with GERB-SDS, the question is exhausted

For a government, we will not go to meetings and talks with GERB-SDS for a government. The issue was exhausted with the decisions of the party on Saturday, June 15.

Deputy from "There is such a nation" will open the first session of the 50th National Assembly

The former executive director of Aleksandrovsk Hospital and the Transplantation Agency, Dr. Silvi Kirilov, will open the first session of the 50th Parliament on Wednesday, BNR reported citing its sources.

" "Hydrogen show" goes on the streets of Sofia, Stara Zagora and Pazardzhik: A bus powered by hydrogen will carry passengers

The initiative “Bulgarian Hydrogen Days“ takes place from June 16 to 26 in three Bulgarian cities. The series of events is part of the European campaign to promote hydrogen electromobility in Southeast Europe.