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Variant 10 was drawn for the matriculation exam in Bulgarian language and literature

Exam results will be announced by September 5, 2024

Aug 22, 2024 07:54 89

Variant 10 was drawn for the matriculation exam in Bulgarian language and literature  - 1

This morning in the Ministry of Education, exam variant number 10 was generated for today's State Matriculation Examination in Bulgarian Language and Literature during the August-September session.

6,396 high school seniors were admitted to the exam. It will start at 8:30 a.m. and will be held in 620 halls of 230 schools in the country.

This was announced by BNT.

And in this session, there is no change in the format and duration of the exam. The test consists of 22 multiple-choice questions, 16 short-choice questions, and two long-choice questions. The final 41 questions include an essay on a given topic or an interpretive essay on one or more works of art studied.

On August 22 are the mandatory exams for a profiling subject and for acquiring a professional qualification, and on August 26 – the additional subject exams as desired.

Seniors who have not successfully passed the exam in previous sessions appear.

The right to appear from this year is also available to those who wish to improve the grade they need for applying to higher education in a subject for which they have already passed the matriculation exam. Those who do not have a grade in a given subject in their secondary education diploma can also take the exam.

Exam results will be announced by September 5, 2024